Jesus Christ wallpaper backgrounds are given above. This set has some more desktop background pictures of Jesus Christ. These images are of very large dimensions, so they are ideal to be set as wallpapers. More and more wallpaper backgrounds of Jesus will be uploaded shortly. Click on the thumbnails for the original image.
Setting any wallpaper on our PC is a simple choice. Many adorn their desktops with wallpapers of superstars from the film industry. Many others use just natures beautiful scenes as wallpaper backgrounds. But we strongly suggest you to use Jesus Christ wallpaper backgrounds for your PC or computer, so that you can always see your savior in the background whenever you are on your computer and believe me, this itself, will cause a lot of bad thoughts to go away from your highly imaginative mind.
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god thank you for wat you have done to every body in the world but i still love the people on the other side of the world, and the people in jail and prison i dont care i ant crazzy we are post to love our nabors the same like your family god did not put them in jail they put their own self in that place do not blam god because he gives you a chose to pick god or bad they pick bad and i am going to pick the good side with my jesus christ i love you jesus……………….
beautiful pictures!I have added this site to my mobile.thank you.i will be Baptized Nov.21st. I have found faith with Jesus Christ!
Hello Jesus said leave children to to come on bcoz the kingdom in the heaven is theirs.
How is ………………………….huit.
Well I like all the heartfelt comments. Number 205 is the sacred heart picture which is nowhere in the Bible. Some of the pics are statues which turn me off a bit but I suppose that’s better than the little statues of Buddha outside many houses now and sold blatantly in shops here in Australia. Yuk. Keep calling on Jesus you guys as if you call on the name of the Lord you will be saved. What about some real biblical pics like on the throne with a lamb looking as if it had been slain. I can see the blood pouring of with some dripping of the step down which is the blood just for me so I am justified(=just as if I had never sinned)
praise the lord
jesus is a real god of earth
Hi Georgy! You’ve done a very wonderful job here with this and I don’t know why anyone would use the word crap to describe it but I think it’s beautiful. Thanks for being a warrior for our Lord!
praise the lord!!!!!!!!!!
christanlity is not a tag…..
ask frm ur soul r u really in god……..
my brothers and sisters share the gospels of god with the peoples near by u !!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have been looking around for a couple of hours for good images of Jesus and I like your selection, very much! Thank you for posting them, here!
Many years ago, I met an old woman who said that she almost died and she went to heaven and saw Jesus. She said he was incredibly beautiful, and that his face and hair shone with a strange light. She said his face was neither white nor dark but more like polished metal and that his hair was almost a firey bronze color. She said his eyes were beautiful also and full of light. She said there was the smell of flowers everywhere and that he was sitting and when he spoke that his voice was beautiful, almost musical. Other than this, I am sure no one can really describe him. In life, he was said to be an ordinary-looking man, no doubt an ordinary Jewish male of that time, and he lived a lowly life, having been a carpenter and living on the road, he no doubt had a roughness to him. He would look differently, now. In Revelations, he is described as having almost a fierce and warlike look, returning as a conqueror and with his tongue appearing as a sword, and his face so bright you could hardly look upon it. It really does not matter how we picture him, as long as it is with love and devotion.
hi ..i love this all images … jesus is alive n we love him all
these jesus images are very nice to see.
these images are very nice to see. thank you.
i like this….
i believe to HIM….Forever…
I loved YOU JESUS…
i trust Him 4ever..
Jesus never fail and He is always there To; Help, Protest, Provides, Assist, Make away where its’ since no way, Cares.
I Love You Jesus,
Hello George, I’ve gone through the page of Telugu Bible, nice effort but, my phone didn’t support one. I made a jar file of this Bible and loaded in my C6-01(symb-belle) everything went fine but when loaded information displayed as boxes. I believe you can help me out in this issue.
Hello, Georgy or whoever uploaded those.
I Love them all.
I love Jesus and I really appreciate all the pictures, now saving to wallpaper on my phone. =)
May God bless you always, brother.
Hi, I would like to be part of your Blogroll.
I have a site: Christian Wallpapers – Free backgrounds and facebook covers in HD.
You, admin, said to leave a comment with the site.
please, help us!
I pray thee o ! Lord.
i have just received my healing and i make a covenant with GOD today i will never go back to immorality
i love all d pictures very much. thankz to him who upload this pictures.
God is good, he is the creator of heaven and earth we should serve him forever and give thanks to him forever.
Great&touching photos
we can sent some pictures of jesus whois in heaven
so it will be quiet good to send
Lord Jesus Christ, thank You for giving us a brand new day and at the same time, a brand new group of saints. I never knew Yours saints very well but I am hoping to be one in the future. I am working and studying on how to become one of Your saints and I hope that You could guide and teach me how to become a real saint in Your kingdom. I hope to see You again later and I hope that I’ve sent the right message a while ago for the whole world.
For anybody who could read this message, you may have a free copy of “Tortured for Christ” from or
This book is all about sacrificing human’s life for the greatest glory of God.
I like the book and I hope that you like the book too. It’s in America right now and you may get one for free if you have any relative, friends or acquaintances in America.
Thank you so much!
I hereby ask for your permission to save pic(s) from this website to serve as a desktop background wallpaper.
I hope for your generosity.
Hi Emmanuel,
Yes, you can save our pics and use them as your desktop wallpaper.
God bless you
let’s us prayer..jesus answer your prayer
hi george….
Praise the Lord… thanx for the pics its really amazing ..its gonna be hard for me to choose …. anyway thanx…may God bless u …bye tc
YESUS is the best.
I spend time, lead to I discovered exactly what I became looking with regard to. You’ve got ended the some day very long quest! Our god Bless you man. Employ a great day time. Bye
I appreciate The Lord Jesus for the salvation and I like his photos
i love you so much Jesus. bring me to Your Kingdom when the world have been end. :*
Really nice.God bless you.
these pic are amazing and really admirable but we dont need pic to beleive in him but we dint see him but still we beleive that jesus christ is our saviour thats why we all r christians and the word crap shouldnt be used for anything that is holy like it or not but the collecton is really good god bless