Jesus Christ Wallpaper set 12 – Jesus With Children

Jesus loved children a lot. His pictures with children are plenty on the internet. The innocence, the purity, the frankness of children are really a blessing to anyone who is with them. So as Jesus said lets try to be like children to get into the kingdom of heaven.

“People were bringing little children to Jesus to have him touch them, but the disciples rebuked them. When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” And he took the children in his arms, put his hands on them and blessed them.”

More Jesus Christ Wallpapers Here:-


12 thoughts on “Jesus Christ Wallpaper set 12 – Jesus With Children”

  1. I love all of your “Jesus with children’s” pictures. I would like to use some of them in my PowerPoint for prayer service. May I have your permission to use some of them?

    Thank you and God bless you and your children.

    Marie Martha Lee

  2. Dear friends
    I am a graphic designer and would like to obtain a high res image of the painting “Jesus with children 1211” for use on a children’s Bible cover for a non-profit organization. Can you direct me to someone who could provide this for me please?

  3. I am creating a poster for a non-profit organization to help children in Ukraine. May I use one of your “Jesus With Children” pictures.

  4. Hi Herb,

    Yes, you can use the images for the said purpose, by providing proper credit attribution to source website.

    God bless you,

  5. Dear Brother Gregory, My wife Brown Eagle has written a book about the love of God and how Jesus has bound up her broken heart from years of being abused as a child. She is desperate for an image of Jesus comforting a little girl and we would like to ask if you have such an image we could use as the book cover. She is using Westbow Press a division of Thomas Nelson as her publisher. The name of the cover illustrator is listed in the front of the book under Credits “Cover Ilistrator” but the publisher insists that the illistration be signed over to Brown Eagle so she has legal copywrite. We have very little money so that is why we are seeking an artist willing to donate their work for the glory of Christ Jesus. Thanks & God bless you for taking the time to read this request. Sincerely sold out to Jesus, Mr & Mrs Anthony & Brown Eagle Galliart

  6. Hi! These are beautiful images. May I use them for a cover of a Bible curriculum that I would like to sell and release. One is a journal that I want to use with the children at my church. Another is a reading/writing curriculum that I would like to release and sell, so other families can use for homeschool or after school.

  7. Let me rephrase — “May I please use the Jesus-with-children-1207.jpg picture”? Would you please assist me to ensure I have the proper accreditation for this one? — Jonathan

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