The lent season is going to be over and we are now in the Holy Week. In two days, we have Maundy Thursday, also known as Holy Thursday, Great and Holy Thursday, and Thursday of Mysteries. As we all know this is the thursday before Easter when we remember the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with the Apostles. It also happens to be the fifth day of Holy Week.
On Maundy Thursday, we commemorate Jesus washing apostles feet. What do we learn from this?
The Lord knew his time on earth was ending. This was the last time he would be with all his disciples. What does John say was on his mind? His love for the disciples. And out of love he taught them one last lesson – humility. It should not be surprising that this was an important lesson for the disciples to learn.
Jesus said “loving your neighbor as yourself” was the second greatest command ever. It is second only to loving God with all that we are. In order to fulfill the mission of spreading the gospel, the disciples would need to learn to serve. Pride and arrogance would ruin the disciples’ relationship to God, to each other, and to the people they were trying to save. Humility and service to others is the evidence of love.
It’s an important lesson for us as well. People line up to do the tasks that are considered important, glamorous, or respected. But Jesus showed humility by doing the task that no one wanted to do. He washed the disciples’ feet — a dirty job usually performed by the lowest ranking person in the room. Was Jesus the lowest ranking person? No. He was Lord and Teacher. He knew he would soon be at the Father’s side in heaven.
Did he think it was too lowly a task for him to do? No. Are there tasks that we won’t do because they are lowly? Because they are dirty? Because they are unpleasant or hard? But aren’t those the jobs that most need to be done? And won’t God reward those who do His work? We need to be willing to do whatever is needed. Jesus was not only willing, he prepared himself to do this service. Have we made plans to serve others?
The disciples had argued in the past about which one of them would be greatest in the kingdom. Jesus had answered them by saying the greatest people were not the warriors, leaders or heroes. They are like children who are powerless, obedient and humble. We should not waste our energy worrying about how we compare to others. It is not our job to judge others for what they do or do not do.
It is our responsibility to fill the needs we see, whatever we are. James 4:17 says “Therefore to him that knows to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.” Look at who all Jesus served. Even Judas, who left that table to betray the Lord, had his feet washed by Jesus. Jesus put himself in a position of servitude to his own betrayer.
Please take a look at the pictures of Jesus given above where we can see our Lord washing the feet of his disciples. Have you ever tried this? I guess no. Well, please copy and save those pictures showing Jesus washing disciple’s feet and let us at least remember how caring and loving and humble we are called to be, as we follow Christ – and so we are Christians.
More Jesus Christ Pictures Here:-
May I have permission to use “Jesus washing feet 12”? Or the address of the original owner so I can ask his permission? I would like to use the image in a sermon from John 13:1-17.
Park Ave Church of Christ
Memphis TN 38119
Hi Dwight,
Yes, you can use the image for this purpose. It would be great if you can specify somewhere the image-source as our homepage URL –
God Bless You
I’d like to use “Jesus Washing Feet 01” in my powerpoint during my sermon on Maundy Thursday. Can I have permission to do so? Congregation is not large, and few come to this service in general.
Hi Fr. Patrick,
yes, you can of course use our image with proper credit lines like just
your a good man Gregory. thank you for these beautiful images. Ive put a couple on my desktop.
Pray the Lord George!
Am so happy for your website which I found it two days ago!
I’m a christian religion teacher at thec school of St.Jude Arusha Tanzania East africa.
My pupils are very happy about the pictures and questions from your website,we have been doing GOD CREATION this week it is very beatifull the slide of creation. Dynamation my kids liked it!
Hi Abner,
Yes, you can use the image for non-commercial purposes, like this one.
Wish you a happy and blessed birthday.
its very wuonder full.very very good
.thanks i requst u to give or send some photograph of our martidome of disiple
how they were killed and crusified,its my big requstto u please thanks
This Saturday my church is doing a foot washing event. I would like to have scrolling in the background the 16 pictures you have on this site. Is there a way I can get higher resolution images with permission to use in this ‘once only’ event?
Mike Renfro
Hi Mike,
We don’t have higher resolution pictures of the same. You are free to use our images for this purpose.
God Bless You
I would like to use either #1 or #10 for a Maundy Thursday bulletin board at my church. I will blow up the size and cut out a silloute of Jesus and the one disciple. These are so beautiful. Who is the artist of these two? Thank you.
this site has helped me a lot this holy week…thanks a lot
Can you please tell me the artist of picture #11 of Jesus washing disciples feet?
thank you and Hallelujah!
I am creating a “Family Humility Towel” for Youth Ministries and Christians alike throughout the World to raise awareness to the ultimate supreme lesson Jesus taught in humility. I would be honored if permitted to use the image on page 23 (01). It is so beautiful and the colors are so soft and simplistic, but yet the symbolic message is one of the greatest and most powerful messages ever received from our dear Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ.
In His Name,
I am creating a sponsorship brochure for a Christian men’s conference. May I have permission to use image 02 for that purpose? The theme of the conference is exactly that–washing of feet (humble service that imitates that of Christ while on earth). I would most appreciate it!
Thank you,
Hi Sondra,
Yes, you can use the image with proper credit attribution. Some text like image-source: near the image is enough.
God bless you
Can I order prints of picture 12?
May I use picture Jesus washing feet 01 to my power point. I`m teaching small groups in our church about voluenteering?
Hello Matti,
Yes, you may use the picture with proper credit attribution for your powerpoint.
God bless you,
May I use image 12 on a 8 1/2 x 11 poster that will be in our church only. The poster is about a study we are doing about the Gospel of John. I will, of course, credit this sight for the image.
PS I may use it in our newsletter and bulletin as well.
Hi Marian Sive,
Yes, you may use the image providing proper credits.
God bless you
I would like to use #11 in my blog on Servant, if possible. I will put your web site info under it.
I would like to use images 3, 11, and 14 on my blog this year for one of my Easter blogs (on “Life etc. on JohnChristersOpenHeart) .
I will mention your site – ‘TurnBackToGod’.
Thank you, kindly.
Love Always Wins,
I forgot to ask for the names of the artists to include with each image.
Thanks again.
Hi john,
Just put our website name as the image source. That will do.
God bless you
Dear Georgy,
May I have permission to use the image “Jesus washing feet 12”. I would like to use it to accompany a prayer that I wrote for a class. We are compiling our prayers in an e-book for school use only. Thank you for your time.
Hi Carlos,
Yes, you can use the image with proper credit attribution to the image source webpage.
God bless you
Dear TurnBackToGod,
I really love your awesome artworks collection, and
would love to use the picture of Jesus washing the
feet in my Christ-Mas song such as this:
and would love to put the name of your website of and would love to share the song
video with you.
Thank you so much.
Thanh Dinh from Austin, TX
I would like to use picture no 11 for our Maundy Thursday Order of Service.
I can see from other comment you usually give permission, so I am guessing this will be okay. Small congregation in England.
Please can you tell me the name of the artist of Picture number 11
we would like to use the footwashing pictures for our Holy Thursday service and for a limited use on our website and newsletter before the service. We will put your website on the promos.
Rev. Vernon Meyer
Rev. Vernon Meyer,
Please go ahead and feel free to use our pictures with proper credit attribution in your website.
God Bless Your Mission,
Hello, I have just found your site. Was looking for picture for Sunday School work. May I have permission to use picture 05.
Hi Judith,
Yes, you can use the image with proper credit attribution. Some text like image-source: near our image is enough.
God bless you,
Hi Georgy,
May I use Image 12 to illustrate servant leadership for a presentation at a nonprofit, Christian radio network meeting? I will add the image source credit, if yes.
Hi Jenny,
You can use the images for the said purpose with proper credit attributions.
God bless you,
Hi Georgy,
I would like to us a modified version of “Jesus Washing Feet 01” for the cover article of our newsletter. Thank you!
Hello Georgy,
May I use Jesus washing feet 12 for an announcement to our small house church group with proper attribution?
Thank you.