Jesus Christ Crucifixion Wallpaper – Set 15

Crucifixion Wallpapers 1501 Crucifixion Wallpapers 1502 Crucifixion Wallpapers 1503 Crucifixion Wallpapers 1504

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Crucifixion Wallpapers 1509 Crucifixion Wallpapers 1510 Crucifixion Wallpapers 1511 Crucifixion Wallpapers 1512

Above given are 12 wallpapers showing the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Click on the thumbnails to see the original pic of large dimensions.

We all know that Jesus died on the cross for us. Yes, He was fulfilling His Father’s wish. But we must understand that He had the power to avoid his painful crucifixion. He is all powerful. He could have changed his mind at the last moment. Glory to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

More Jesus Christ Pics Here:-


14 thoughts on “Jesus Christ Crucifixion Wallpaper – Set 15”

  1. i have gone through the collection and am amazed. Keep the same zeal and may God bless your work

  2. Dear “Turn Back to God” Website,

    My name is Miles Fish. I am music director the the First United Methodist Church in Bentonville, AR. I would like to use your Image 1504 in a message promoting our Easter Sunrise Service. Please advise.

    Miles Fish

  3. Dear Brethern,
    Do you have some pictures of the Triumpant return of the Lord on the clouds with His entourage? If yes, kindly have it send to my mail..Thanks
    God bless
    Br. George

  4. Hi Georgy,

    I wanted to know if I can transfer your pictures to Wikicommons with the proper atribution licencese that will give the credit to your site. I’d be very happy :)

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