Jesus Christ Pictures – Image Set 29

The 29th set of Jesus Christ pictures is here in TBTG now. Take a close look at the 20 pictures of Jesus Christ given above. All of them are created by Ashraf Fekry, the blessed artist who had been making Jesus pictures for a very long time. Click on any thumbnail image to see the picture in its actual dimensions, so that you can go ahead and right-click and save them to your computer.

The Jesus pictures, all of them, are not unique and the same one has been duplicated multiple times with a different set of backgrounds. Because people are different and their tastes too. One will like one background, but another one will like a different one. I think this is the reason behind Ashraf Fekry creating the same image in multiple backgrounds.

We have more of Ashraf Fekry images of Jesus Christ and we will be adding them pretty soon to our collection of Jesus pictures here on TBTG. So check back often or subscribe to our updates using the ‘Become A Member’ option you see on the top right side of this website. God Bless You.

More Jesus Christ Pictures Here:-


4 thoughts on “Jesus Christ Pictures – Image Set 29”

  1. All dese pics r so beautiful. Dr Ashraf Fekry has done a gr8 job.. May dear God bless him a lot…

  2. Where can I buy prints of Ashraf Fekry’s work and get it framed? Website? Store? – I can find nothing online.

  3. image set 30 is the best pictr of Jesus tht I’ve ever seen on earth.its now my alltime wallpaper and here fr good.thanks alot fr the good job of telling Jesus’ story through picures.God bless you so much brother.

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