Let us end abortion by the year 2020. So do an Abortion Blackout right now.
First, please watch the above video clip which will tell you all about the abortion figures in US alone!
Over 50 Million abortions have taken place in the US since 1973. Your tax money was used to fund abortion. It’s time to stand up together and make a difference and End Abortion by 2020! Help the pro-life movement with all your heart.
What Can You Do
1. Pledge to wear Black on Fridays.
Join others and pledge to wear black on Fridays to mourn the lives lost to abortion. This is a very simple way for you to get involved immediately and show others what you believe.
2. Educate.
Begin a dialogue with friends and tell them what you believe and why. Use the resources on this site to help educate them. Discuss with your children and teens the truth of what abortion is and how to prevent falling into situations where they would be confronted with having to make those tough choices, and what to do if someone they know is considering having an abortion.
3. Donate $1 a week to make a difference.
This is an easy way to make a direct impact in the life of a pregnant mother and her unborn child. Giving just one dollar for every Friday you wear black, will help us spread this cause and help support Crisis Pregnancy Resource Centers across the United States. These centers give women real choices that do not include abortion. They help pregnant women by giving them free sonograms, providing them diapers, formula and cribs, etc. They also help women through the adoption process if they choose, and provide them housing if their families have abandoned them.
Sign the pledge, get involved, spread the word.
Check these articles on Abortion
1. Stop Abortion – Be A ProLifer
2. Pro-Life Jesus Youth Ministry