Jesus Youth pro-life ministry (PROLIFE means FOR LIFE) trains many young people to take a stand against the culture of death and to challenge others to take a stand for the same. There is also an effective infrastructure for conducting pro-life exhibitions.
Why are some advocating abortion, saying all things about population explosion! Whats the truth in these? See all the pics given below to get a clear cut idea on the matter and then you decide whether abortion is necessary or not. (Share these pics with all your friends and relatives, spread the message)
Just hear what Mel Gibson has to say on this matter – “God is the only One who knows how many children we should have, and we should be ready to accept them. One can’t decide for oneself who comes into this world and who doesn’t. That decision doesn’t belong to us.”
Proclaim and stand against abortion and contraception.
Witness in your family, parish, prayer groups, where ever you are; ‘stand for life’ through seminars, exhibitions and palmlets.
i may require penetrating anti abortion videos for save the chldren