Purposefully Purposed : A Christian’s Viewpoint
Author : Vanessa Barnes
Release Date : May 20th, 2008
Price : 11$ (USD)
Theme of Purposefully Purposed
We must strive to supplant the sickness of the enemy with Gods intended purpose. In the end, the ‘good’ in the Good News, was manifested via the purposed life of the Son; as imitators of that purposed life, let us continue to grasp the purposes our own legacies should portray.
“…I now live a fleshy existence not in autonomy or as an island, but most importantly in concert with my spiritual self, dependent upon a God who cannot and will not fail me. Pertaining to the renewal of my thinking, wisdom has prompted me to live with a sense of faithful stewardship to my spiritual purpose.”
“Boldness in a Christians life is born in knowing where we are going coupled with knowing who is leading the way. Embrace all that living in concert with the spirit allows, trigger all that lay at your fingers touch. Trust in the source; the same source of Jesus’ yesteryear and equally our own; like Martin Luther King and Mother Theresa, rely on faith in the Promised One, because the promise has already been conveyed. It’s okay, allow the doubters to question, for to them you may answer the same as Christ: “I know where I came from and I know where I am going.”
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