Poem : Honoring the Light


Twas’ the night before Christmas, when all through the wing;
not a student was stirring, the phone didn’t ring.

The faculty was exhausted, all snug in their beds;
with visions of NLN accreditation dancing in their heads.

The grant applications were complete and posted with care;
in hopes that the monies would soon arrive there.

The Director of Nursing was seated alone at her desk;
others were busily grading final tests.

When out in the hall there arose such a clatter.
They sprang from their chairs to see what was the matter.

Away from their desks they flew like a flash.
The coffee went flying, the tests hit the trash.

When what to their wondering eyes should appear
A woman so familiar, they gasped “We’re thrilled you are here!”

A petite little woman so lively and quick;
we knew in an instant this wasn’t St. Nick

Her serious mouth was drawn up like a bow;
the cap atop her head was as white as the snow.

“Oh My Gosh, they cried! “Oh My Goodness!” they wailed.
We couldn’t believe our eyes, it was St. Nightingale.

Her lamp how it twinkled, the light so merry.
The glow that it gave, has touched so many.

She took a deep breath, stood up straight and tall.
Then finally she spoke, “I’m so proud of you all!”

“Researchers, scholars, providers of care.
No matter the setting the nurse is right there.

“I’ve been toiling”, she sighed, and put her chin on her chest
“There’s so much to do, I just couldn’t rest.”

“There are spirits to be soothed and hearts to be mended;
manuscripts to be written and students to be tended.

“Your diligence and efforts are seen throughout nations.
Your service is noted, as it honors your patients.

Across the great oceans and amongst the vast divides;
nursing is ever present and always be there to provide.

“You’ve honored my pledge and kept the profession well.
yet, there’s much to be done”, then they heard the ‘call bell’.

“Mind your practice wisely, excel at what you do.
As you know the real spirit of nursing, lies inside of you”.

Somehow we all knew that the end had drawn near.
Renewed in her spirit, inspired to a tear.

A wink of her eye and a twist of here head;
soon gave me to know, it had to be said.

What you’ve given us all; what you’ve given mankind!
Will not be forgotten, but transcends all of time!

You’ve taught us well, your daily guidance perceived.
The true ‘Art of Nursing’ is what we’ve achieved.

She spoke not a word, yet glowed by the lamps’ light;
“Merry Christmas to all and to all a Good-Night”

– – – written by D. Gall

1 thought on “Poem : Honoring the Light”

  1. Hi Georgy,

    so glad I found you over at Twitter. Your website is such a blessing. This is such a lovely reworking of the classic Christmas poem to be an additional inspiration.

    Mazel tov,

    April Braswell

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