Silky white clouds are all around
The blue of the sky that do surround
I step ever closer to reach my goal
No matter how steep or painfully slow
I look to the One who’s face I see
And to His promise, He’ll come back for me
As I travel this long, lengthy path
I look around for God’s holy wrath
It gets closer and closer to view
I’m now going down, my worries grew
Then I looked up to His glorious face
On the wings of God’s most spacious grace
And my journey has now, once again
Found those precious steps that do ascend
So many people from all parts of my life
From my mother to my brother and even my wife
Are walking these steps just hence to me
As I look at them, I fail to see
I’m now going down, away from my goal
It seems God’s grace has ceased to flow
As these steps were dropping so deep
My descent, I knew, would soon be complete
Until I looked up, to see Him afar
He sent me a bright, glistening star
To once again light my very way
And turn the night into a brilliant day
But with this path, so long and so steep
I can’t go any faster, even when I leap
So I’m resigned to move steady and slow
Believing each day His face will bestow
A means for direction that I must take
Living my life, simply, for Christ’s sake
I mustn’t worry about what’s all around
For those are only things, here on the ground
My eyes must be focused up there
For my path is laid, when that’s where I stare
—-Â by: James Corwin
I believe