Hindi Bible Online is ready for all the Hindi speaking people over here.
As you know, the English Bible is available online from a huge number of websites. But what about the Holy Bible online in our national language, Hindi? Yes, not many good online Hindi Bible sites are there on the internet. But now all you people can rejoice and read THE WORD in Hindi language online.
Links to Hindi Bible Online
I hope you will find all the three links given above very useful. If the Hindi font is not displayed correctly in the above landing pages, then you may have to change some browser settings. Try chaning the font encoding to “UTF-8” in your browser. Most users should find this option by going to View > Encoding. This will enable you to read the online Hindi Bible.
If that doesn’t work, try installing the Hindi Font file in your system.
Download the Hindi Font
Save the font file in C:\Windows\Fonts folder
Now restart your computer
For the Word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword. – Hebrews 4:12. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. – Ephesians 6:17.
Be with the Word of God every time as much as you can. This Hindi Bible online will help you to reach His Word all the time, from your work desk too. God bless you all.
just i am on line
I have visited ur website and also clicked on Old Testament in Hindi. It is indeed the translation from English but there is a big error which needs to be rectified,.
There is nothing called Meccabees1 and Meccabees2 in Bible…
Revelation talks about it those who add anything or removes anything from the true bible shall be cursed. Please rectify your mistake before its too late.
PRaise the Lord
Praise Living Jesus
I want the hindi bible online
Pls send me Hindi online Bible.
Jesus calls me
pls send me Hindi Bible with English pronouns