In The Power of Holy Spirit

The Presence The Promise The Power

Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit, and news about him spread through the whole countryside. – (Luke 4:14)

Galilee is the place of Jesus’ ministry. Luke is telling us that Jesus is conceived by the Spirit, announced by the Spirit through several witnesses, affirmed by the Spirit at his baptism, and led by the Spirit through his temptation. Now, after his victory over Satan in the wilderness, Jesus begins his ministry in the power of
the Holy Spirit. This note is crucial because of its connection to the early believers in the book of Acts.

The Holy Spirit is Jesus’ gift of presence and power to his followers. The Spirit empowers them and fills them and leads them as they share the story of Jesus fearlessly with all people. That same Holy Spirit longs to do the same thing through us today.

We can be Jesus’ witnesses, beginning where we are, moving into the surrounding region, and ultimately touching all the world because of the Holy Spirit working in us and through us. And when we have those doubts that inevitably creep into our hearts, we can remember what the Spirit did through Jesus and realize the Spirit longs to do the same things through us today.

Also read Holy Spirit is God’s Gift


Almighty God, empower us — your children, Jesus’ followers, your Church — with the Holy Spirit. Convict and motivate us to be witnesses to the things Jesus did while on earth and what he is doing now in our own lives. Do what you want to do through us and to your glory. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

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