“U” are needed in Bible ST_DY, but not in IGNORANCE.
“U” are needed in S_PPORT, but not in NEGLECT.
“U” are needed in _NITY, but not in DIVISION.
“U” are needed in D_TY, but not in IRRESPONSIBILITY.
“U” are needed in B_ILDING, but not in TEARING DOWN.
“U” are needed in CH__RCH.
Teach me……
We have ourown likeness in every part our life,
like food, dress, color,names, friends etc,
we are like to live as ourown will, and like to
to do our will,for it there is no study needed.but
for to do the will of God we need that. David prays that “O Lord teach me to do your will.
because it is not eassy.what is the will of God.
1 Thessalonians 5:16,17,18.
so lets pray with David o lord teach me to do your will