Healing belongs to You

Healing belongs to You

There is a nice plaque hanging on the front wall of a doctor’s consultation room which reads: “WE TREAT, GOD HEALS!”

What a true statement! Doctors diagnose the problem and create an atmosphere for healing to occur, but it is God who really does the healing. There are times when medical science fails to treat the problem. But even then God can bring about healing because He is a healing God.

In Exodus 15:26, God says, “…I am the LORD, who heals you”. Healing is an act of setting right or repairing what was previously damaged.

No damage is irreparable for God. Every organ in your body is created by God. His hands have designed your blood vessels and cells. He even knows your blood group! God can create organs that aren’t there. He can also repair organs that may not be working well.

It isn’t just the body that God heals. He repairs the area of emotions and brings in emotional health. He also works in the area of the spirit and brings spiritual healing and health.

God is not only interested in healing a person, but He is also interested in bringing healing to everything connected to the person. He works on the person’s career, relationships, income and assets. God is in the business of repairing lives, not breaking lives. On the cross, Jesus was broken so that we may be repaired and restored back to health!

If you are dealing with some damage that has happened to you, whether it’s physical, marital, emotional, financial, spiritual or relational, Jesus is interested in setting you right. His healing power is still powerful to destroy all the schemes of the devil.

Remind yourself that nothing can damage God’s love for you. Take rest in His healing promises found in the Bible. Visualize these promises coming true in your life. Confess these with your mouth. Thank God in advance!

You are blessed to follow Christ because healing belongs to you!

– – – written by Joe Abraham

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