Dont make fun of God Almighty

Dont make fun of God Almighty

Please don’t make fun of God Almighty by putting His image in the food you eat like pizza and all. Nowadays I see people inserting His image in some foods, just to boost their sales.

Take a look at this ad line “Jesus Pizza – Amazing pizza! SO good that it must have some part of jesus in it. Just a bit at least. No good without the dipping sauce. Dude, lets go to Twice the deal to get some jesus pizza.” and finally it might also contain an image of Christ or made in His shape.

The food won’t have any supernatural effect even if you put the image of God on it. It won’t contain a bit of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Jesus is present in no earthly food, except in the Holy Eucharist and when you do all these nasty things, you are actually insulting Him and the Holy Eucharist.

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