A 19 story tall Cross on Interstate 40 Groom, Texas

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On a lonely stretch of highway just outside of Groom, Texas (near Pampa) stands a 19 story tall cross that can be seen for miles from any direction. The arm spans are 110 feet across. It is constructed of a welded steel framework covered with steel sheeting.

This cross is the result of the efforts of Steve Thomas and family of Pampa, Texas. It took 250 welders eight months to complete, and weighs 1,250 tons. It stands alone, unsupported by guy wires, and can withstand winds of 140 miles per hour.

The cross is truly an awesome sight to behold. It is a dedication to the love and sacrifice of Jesus.

It is a spectacular sight at night, and is open for viewing 24 hours per day, seven days a week,and the site is truck and RV accessible. It is anticipated that 10 million people a year will pass by the cross and a thousand a day will stop.

On a small hill facing the cross there are three bronze cross statues depicting the crucifixion of Jesus between two thieves. The base of the cross is surrounded by life-sized bronze statues of Jesus depicting twelve stations of Jesus carrying the cross to Calvary.

(Click here to view the bronze statues.)

8 thoughts on “A 19 story tall Cross on Interstate 40 Groom, Texas”

  1. It’s time to build four 19-story crosses around the planned 13-story mosque and community center just blocks from Ground Zero in NYC. When they (Muslim’s) call for pray let bells ring for the Lord.

  2. This must be an awesome sight to see.

    I admire people who do not have qualms about proclaiming their faith. Kudos to Mr. Steve Thomas and family!

  3. When I lived in Albuquerque I used to travel and stop by your site once a month on my way to Missouri. I had 17 fast food restaurants and had to make monthly trips all the time. I found such a refreshing and renewal everytime I stopped to visit at the foot of this Cross and visited many times in the gift store. I love it here there is a wonderful feeling of peace. I was even there for Easter sonrise service one time about 3 years ago. I ran to the tomb and came out running and shouting,”He is not here, He is RISEN.” The people coming toward the tomb just looked at me as if I was crazy. But what a great feeling came over me, for being able to do that. I would love to come and do a concert for you sometime in the near future. I have been singing Gospel music for almost 30 years. I have since retired from the fast food industry and travel to wherever I am invited. God Bless You and the Ministry you present of our Lord Jesus.

  4. How do you access the parking to the cross. I will be travelling east in a few weeks and have always wanted to stop by but do not know what exit I need to take. Thank you.


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