Call to me and I will answer you

Call to me and I will answer you

‘Call to me and I will answer you. I’ll tell you marvelous and wondrous things that you could never figure out on your own.’ – Jeremiah 33:3

The air was thick with lovebugs as I drove along the turnpike. Each year, about this time, the lovebug phenomenon occurs. My windshield was practically covered with splattered lovebugs, which were pelting the cars like driving rain.

I pulled into a gas station to clean off the window.  As I was scraping, I heard a cell phone ring.  A loud voice, from over by the next tank, called out, “Can you get it?!! It’s probably one of the kids!” She was outside her car, pumping gas, but she did not want to miss that call that might have been from her kids.

On some mobile phones there is caller ID. By glancing at my phone screen, I can quickly identify if one of my children are calling.  I try to take their calls anywhere I am, at any time.  You never know. Could be just a call to say hello, and chat, or it could be a call concerning a crisis situation, some type of emergency.  At any rate, I just like to hear their voice.

I thought about how prayer is like ‘heavenly’ mobile phones. Sort of “hot-lines”, to our  Father.

And whether His kids are calling to say hello, and have a simple prayer conversation with the Lord, or calling with a serious situation that needs a listening, compassionate ear and/or wise counsel and direction, He always answers that phone….

“I’ll get it!  It’s one of the kids!”

About the author :  Sally I. Kennedy is the author of  “Irish Thursdays”, “Words from the Heart”,  and “52 Little Parables from Ireland” . She lives in south Florida, with her husband Ben.

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