The word Christmas itself carries so much meaning in it. Each letter carries with itself a lesson to the mankind along with the birth of Jesus.
Here is a slightly different meaning of the word Christmas which surely suits us a lot in this present scenario…
C – Carry a smile everywhere you go. In today’s world each one of us is so busy in our own affairs that we are not only hesitant to smile at others but we ourselves have forgotten to smile. This Christmas let us make a sincere attempt to smile more and be cheerful.
H – Hold on to our morals. Today all of us are so busy chasing the ladder of glory and fame, that we are ready to compromise on our ethics. This Christmas let us make an attempt to stick on to our morals and values, whatsoever the situation may arise.
R – Receive others the way they are. Most of the times we fail to realize that all are not alike and perfect and tend to blame and condemn people who do not fit into our framework. This Christmas let us learn to accept others and acknowledge our differences.
I – Inspect one self. We fail to retrospect ourselves and our drawbacks and thereby cause trouble to others. This Christmas let us make an attempt to peep into ourselves and make good those little negativities we carry.
S – Share with those in need. Let us make an effort to share with not only people who have lots and can repay us, but with those who cannot repay us.
T – Trust in the Almighty. All of us have become so self sufficient that we fail to seek the assistance of God. And when things crumble in life we lose hope. In this Christmas let us learn to trust in God at all times, good or bad.
M – Make genuine relationships. Today all our relationships have become a means to achieve something, the purity and innocence is lost. This Christmas let us learn to value and build true and lasting relationships.
A – Add a dash of love in everything you do. This Christmas let us make a strong resolution to carry the essence of love wherever we go and in whatever we do.
S – Shine as people of God. In this Christmas let us learn to follow Christ not only in words but also through our deeds and uphold the values of Christ through our life.
Read The Poem : The True Meaning Of Christmas
– – – This article was written by Sonal lobo, Bangalore
Need words from the letters CHRISTMAS that I can use in the form of a Nativity play.(In story form)