King James Bible (KJV Bible) as PDF

King James Bible (KJV Bible)

Click on King James Bible KJV Bible PDF to download the Holy Bible as PDF.

King James Version of Holy Bible (KJV Bible) in PDF format is given here in this article (click on the link right above) as a free download for all our readers. Its about 2.50MB size.

There are many versions of the Holy Bible available now. Do you really know the History of the KJV Bible?

A resolution came forth in January 1604, when James VI of Scotland started the Hampton Court Conference. It said, “That a translation be made of the whole Bible, as consonant as can be to the original Hebrew and Greek; and this to be set out and printed, without any marginal notes, and only to be used in all churches of England in time of divine service.”

Alexander Geddes (d. 1802), a Roman Catholic priest, who in 1792 issued the first volume of his own translation of the Bible, accordingly paid tribute to the Bible of his time:

“The highest eulogiums have been made on the translation of James the First, both by our own writers and by foreigners. And, indeed, if accuracy, fidelity, and the strictest attention to the letter of the text, be supposed to constitute the qualities of an excellent version, this of all versions, must, in general, be accounted the most excellent. Every sentence, every work, every syllable, every letter and point, seem to have been weighed with the nicest exactitude; and expressed, either in the text, or margin, with the greatest precision.”

Want another PDF version of the same KJV Bible? Goto Holy Bible PDF Download

44 thoughts on “King James Bible (KJV Bible) as PDF”

  1. Greetings to you in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I Love God and Proclaim with my prayers, I have to study the Bible Every day in my Life. He is the Living God. I am very interesting in the Bible Study Every day in my Live. He is the God.
    God bless you
    Samson Manohar
    Chennai 73
    Tamil nadu,

  2. Hi Georgy,

    I’m the new visitor for this site. You’re did marvelous works through this site. Congrats for your efforts..

    And one more thing is it possible to get PVC English Bible PDF version ? no need to publish site.Is it possible.. Please send to me through my personal mail


  3. Thank you guys very much for making God’s Word accessible to everyone. God will bless you all richly IJN.

  4. Hi this is Lauren but i really need a bible on my phone so every sunday i go
    To church every so yeah because i always. go church so yeah be go. Yeah yeah. from Lauren

  5. pls i really need the full version on bible on my laptop can you send it to me direct because i have been having problem concerning the downloading

  6. Thank you for this opportunity. Now, God’s Word is available to more discerning people. God bless this work and help us all to reach more people for Christ before He returns. Amen.

  7. God is true and loving in that while i was still a sinner he sent His son who died for my sins.actually i have through mountains of life but God has been with me even though my parents forsake me God will take me high.I have seen what God has done into my life and is actually wonderfull.In life its not about giving up as God has a purpose for each one of us,and they are plans of prosperity.

  8. I am pleased by your effort to reach many electronically. I feel blessed to have a bibble in my computer at working place. thank you

  9. may God flourish you tremendously for making the Holy Bible available for so many to download IN PDF format. now i can read my bible at work when i am less busy with the demands on the job or even in my break period. may God flourish you again and again.

  10. Where is Revelation 22:21?

    And if any man shall take
    away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God
    shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of
    the holy city, and [from] the things which are written in this

  11. My name is David Jonsson and I am heading a Great Lakes Missionary
    I am posting to you pertaining to donations for our trip.
    We will be leaving from Ithaca, NY on April 1st, 2013 on a 65′ wooden ship that was donated to us for this trip.
    We are looking for funds to outfit and prepare our ship for the Missionary Trip.
    The trip will take us along the coast of the Great Lakes and take about 9 months.
    We will be passing out Bibles and Tracts and sharing God’s Word with Music and Praise. We will be offering food to the needy while we are inport.
    This is truly needed in the Great Lakes Region.
    Thank you for your consideration.
    With God’s Love,
    Merry Christmas,
    David Jonsson

  12. I was looking for a pdf Bible for my Nook. I downloaded the NIV version and the King James version. Thank you and God Bless

  13. Hi dear friend in Jesus Christ,I would like to have a bible to gift to my friend and that he would read it and get to know about Jesus and be set free :)

  14. Hi my self johny…i wanna to know more jesus plz help me jesus wanna to me to wright some thing about death and birth cycle bt i forget something what i saw in my dream i have incomplete…plz help me

  15. I’m a Tanzanian youth male aged 25
    I’m seventh day adventist in Ungalimited S.D.A church in Arusha Tanzania i like to have all king james bible versions, i dont know how to get it in Tanzania

  16. Known of the brook but not known what important
    In them. Bible it this the best give in life nothing it more important new life. We are blind from the cover.The ONE cannot make you love him but he arm are open to all his children’s. BIG THANKS OH THE. SANEMAN LOVE

  17. Thank you so much for your commitment to share the Bible. I have downloaded NIV and KJV Bibles. God bless you. Stephen Pokanis – Papua New Guinea

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