We have all been blessed with a supernatural gift that has the power to move mountains, open great doors, and close evil ones. When this gift is in operation, our mind is clear, our heart is pure, our prayers come to pass, the wisdom of God flows freely and our faith is elevated.
We all know the power of this great gift is unstoppable. It is called LOVE, and we have been blessed by the gift of pure supernatural love, the greatest weapon against every evil under the sun…. our goldmine!
When love is at work, one becomes holy without trying. And love is what needed the most in this business world today. I have seen hearts broken, homes destroyed, businesses ruined because many in the body of Christ failed to walk according to this important commandment, which summarizes all the ten commandments.
What heart will hate another, try to outwit and compete with another in order to steal someone else’s promotion, cheat in business, at work, or at home? Which loving heart will engage itself into strife, gossip or break someone else’s heart?
How can one run around with his coworkers, while on a business trip – something so common unfortunately in my country and yours – if the commandment of love is not at work in a person’s life?
Jesus said: “A new commandment I give you, to love one another; that as I have loved you, you also may love one another. It is by this that every one will know that you are my disciples – if you love one another.”
Only love can bring joy in every situation, and add a smile into a persons face. Love can overcome fear, bring healing and prosperity in every area of your life, and love can cause a resurrection to come forth out of the ashes!
Today, more than ever, we need to walk in love 24x7x365.
Prayer: My Heavenly Father, I pray that every heart may be touched and filled by Your love from this day forward. Father, may this love heal old wounds, open new doors and bring a turn around in many lives. Lord, I pray that lives will be transformed, hearts healed, marriages saved as a result. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
– – – written by Bianca Martini
What a beautiful and encouraging message. I needed to see and read this tonight. Jesus, I’m so very thankful that You are in my life.