It was a perfect time of opportunity
For the hired nurses to work in Ministry.
Everyone was getting excited and ready
Because leaving the country
Was the only way to feed the family.
Telling goodbyes to friends and family
Was the hardest thing to say.
Pretending that everything was alright
But deep down their hearts were weeping
‘Cause nobody knew what fates were waiting
For them in the State of Kuwait.
September was the month to remember
For the nurses who joined hands together
And who promised to help one another.
My brothers and sisters, thank you for
Remembering this month of the year.
Thank you for the friendship that lasted a year.
– – – written by Alon Calinao Dy.
This poem is my tribute to my batchmates here in Ministry of Health, Kuwait. On Sept. 20, 2011, our first year of friendship.