“Be strong. Be intelligent. Smile.
Know that beauty has everything to do with how you feel about yourself
And nothing to do with looks or other people’s opinions.
Never do anything just because everyone else is if you believe it’s wrong.
Always be true to yourself.
Expect the best from life and that’s what you’ll get.
Learn from your mistakes and failures.
Believe in magic and wish on stars.
Love and trust and be compassionate.
Make faces. Play in mud puddles. Take bubble baths.
Turn off all the lights and watch lightening storms.
Dance, laugh, cry, and sing when you want to.
Read everything you can get your hands on.
Stand up for what is right especially if you stand alone.
Don’t allow yourself or people around you to tolerate prejudices of any kind.
Don’t be afraid to try something new.
Do something daring at least once a week.
Run through snow drifts.
Spin in circles and roll down hills.
Pet puppies, hold kittens, and talk to babies.
Take afternoon naps. Stay up to watch the sunrise.
Never apologize for being a woman or for being yourself.
Never forget that I love you more than any other person in the world,
No matter how far apart we are you will always be my daughter.”
I love all the posts you have on here except for this one. It’s not very christian-like to believe in magic or wish upon a star. I have no faith in superstitions and the bible speaks against it. Please, remove this post.
Hi Jamie,
I am against all superstitions as you can see from some other posts here on TBTG. If you are a regular TBTG reader, you will be knowing d above fact n tht I wont advocate superstitions.
But the above poem is great , rt?
Ya, that one line – “Believe in magic and wish on stars.” is the problem…but I am sure my readers are wise enough to ignore that single line from the above 25 lines…I cannot make them lose those beautiful 24 lines bec of tht single line…
I suggest leave the line alone n take what your mind tells you right…ok?
Anyway, thanks for commenting…GBU.
Hi Jamie,
I am against all superstitions as you can see from all the other posts here on TBTG. If you are a regular TBTG reader, you will be knowing d above fact and that I dont advocate superstitions.
But the above poem is great , rt?
Ya, that one line – “Believe in magic and wish on stars.” is the problem…but I am sure my readers are wise enough to ignore that single line from the above 25 lines…I cannot make them miss those 24 beautiful lines bec of that single one…
I suggest you leave the line alone n take what your mind tells you right…
Anyway, thanks for commenting…GBU. :grin:
hi, your stories are superb but emotional. I want you all to post interesting, thrilling novels for small children. If you will work upon this your website will become super popular!!!!!!!