Read Me or Rue It : E-book on Purgatory

E-book on Purgatory

Complete E-book on Purgatory. Take a look at this PDF given for free download here.

Read Me or Rue It – How To Avoid Purgatory written by Fr. Paul O’Sullivan

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Chapters in this PDF on Purgatory

Chapter 1 : What is Purgatory ?
Chapter 2 : Can all this be true ?
Chapter 3 : How long do souls remain in Purgatory ?
Chapter 4 : Why pray for the poor souls ?
Chapter 5 : How can we help the Holy Souls ?
Chapter 6 : What the Holy Souls do for those who help them
Appendix : The Brown Scapular

Although a small e-book, it is destined to do great good among Christians, many of whom are incredibly ignorant of the great doctrine of Purgatory. As a consequence, they do little or nothing to avoid it themselves and little to help the Poor Souls who are suffering there so intensely, waiting for the Masses and prayers which should be offered for them.

Help, Help, They Suffer So Much

I. We can never understand too clearly that every alms, small or great, which we give to the poor we give to God. He accepts it and rewards it as given to Himself. Therefore, all we do for the Holy Souls, God accepts as done to Himself. It is as if we had relieved or released Him from Purgatory. What a thought! How He will repay us!

II. As there is no hunger, no thirst, no poverty, no need, no pain, no suffering to compare with what the Souls in Purgatory endure, so there is no alms more deserving, none more pleasing to God, none more meritorious for us than the alms, the prayers, the Masses we give to the Holy Souls.

III. It is very possible that some of our own nearest and dearest ones are still suffering the excruciating pains of Purgatory and calling on us piteously for help and relief.

Is it not dreadful that we are so hardened as not to think more about them, that we are so cruel as to deliberately forget them! For the dear Christ’s sake, let us do all, but all, we can for them. Every Catholic ought to join the Association of the Holy Souls.

“Have pity on me, have pity on me, at least you my friends, because the hand of the Lord hath touched me. ” (Job 19:21). This is the touching prayer that the Poor Souls in Purgatory address to their friends on Earth, begging, imploring their help, in accents of the deepest anguish. Alas, many are deaf to their prayers!

What is Purgatory?

It is a prison of fire in which nearly all [saved] souls are plunged after death and in which they suffer the intensest pain. Here is what the great Doctors of the Church tell us of Purgatory: So grievous is their suffering that one minute in this awful fire seems like a century.

St. Thomas Aquinas, the Prince of Theologians, says that the fire of Purgatory is equal in intensity to the fire of Hell, and that the slightest contact with it is more dreadful than all the possible sufferings of this Earth!

Read more in the attached pdf available from Download Now link.

8 thoughts on “Read Me or Rue It : E-book on Purgatory”

  1. Hi Loc,

    No. Right now I dont have the book “Get Us Out Of Here” by Maria Simma. I am also searching for it, like you are now.

    God Bless

  2. Georgy,

    Me thinks I’ve read this before, but I’ll read it again. If it’s what I think it is, I’d like to formulate a response to it, if you don’t mind. But I need to finish something else first.

    BTW, I hope to get the pictures of St. Therese of Avila to you within the week. Regarding the list of saints who were born (but not conceived) without original sin, that I promised you…well I don’t think I’ll be able to make good on that promise (at least any time this yr). Turns out, one of the major books I was going to reference, I no longer have. I’m so sorry.


  3. Georgy,

    I decided I don’t really need to respond to the above article. It’s not the one I was thinking of.

    I know I’ve said this before, but I think you have a wonderful site. Your posts are awesome. I especially enjoy the stories and poems. You deserve such a wide audience as you’ve obviously worked (and continue to work) very hard at all this.

    Blessings on your future endeavors.

  4. This is a terrible lie! What a heinous (false) “Gospel”. According to the Bible, there is NO SUCH THING as purgatory. People who have been saved through faith (alone) in the Lord Jesus Christ are completely forgiven for all their sins – Jesus has paid the full price in His death at Calvary – and go to Heaven when they die.

  5. Hermit, please quote the verses where you say..”According to the Bible, there is NO SUCH THING as purgatory.”

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