Prayer before a Journey
Lord our God, before you there are no secrets;
nothing is hidden from your eyes
and nothing happens without your permission.
Grant me the happiness of beginning this trip
entrusted to you;
permit me to go and to return in peace and tranquility,
in your infinite love and mercy.
Accompany me with your loving security
and direct my footsteps
with the steady love of your heart,
keeping me always close to you, Lord.
May I see clearly the obstacles
of my journey,
and may I keep safe from affliction and despair,
thanks to your blessing and care.
Blessed are you, O Eternal God;
you have protected me in such a way
that by the light of your presence
I shall always find new roads
and fulfilling answers to my yearnings. Amen.
Prayer before starting on a Journey
My holy Angel Guardian, ask the Lord to bless the journey which I undertake, that it may profit the health of my soul and body; that I may reach its end, and that, returning safe and sound, I may find my family in good health. Do thou guard, guide and preserve us. Amen.
Prayer before going on a Journey
O Lord Jesus Christ our God, the true and living way, be thou. O Master, my companion, guide and guardian during my journey; deliver and protect me from all danger, misfortune and temptation; that being so defended by Thy divine power, I may have a peaceful and successful journey and arrive safely at my destination. For in Thee I put my trust and hope, and to Thee, together with thy Eternal Father, and the All-Holy Spirit, I ascribe all praise, honor and glory: now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
mój brat,
ta strona jest bardzo dobra strona internetowa
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Polish to English translation
my brother
This site is very good website
Many poor people trying to attack from this side, and after all, and it is very nice to know that you have a great determination to run this site
go to my brother
God will be in your side