The power of the word of Jesus
What would have happened if Jesus said “come forth†without specifically mentioning the name of Lazarus first? There would have been a crisis. Every dead man would have been resurrected, as Jesus is Life and Resurrection Himself. Jesus had to be very specific and He had to use words very carefully.
The power of the word of Jesus is unimaginable, because His word is Life and Spirit itself. Some may smile at this. If the word of Christ has no power, Christianity has no power and our belief is in vain. He created everything by His word. The same word that existed in the beginning took flesh in Christ, and we see Him, feel Him and even eat Him in faith.
If Christ, the word incarnate is within us, who can be against us in this spiritual universe! The one who is in us is greater than the one who is in the world.
It is sad to see that we who receive Him in the sacraments are living in spiritual poverty. We even leave Him to get comfort from lying spirits. It hurts Him most, to see anointed people betraying Him for temporal wealth. His love surpasses everything and therefore He drinks from that bitter cup every day – the cup of betrayal which we offer Him in exchange for the cup of His blood.
Friends, take the pledge : I believe in the immense power of Jesus words.