In the Garden of Gethsemane
Six precious words were born
A Father’s gift, from up on high
To soothe a spirit torn.
These were the words that Jesus prayed
Each time his spirit groaned,
As pictures of the Calvary cross
Portrayed his life atoned.
Those words were laced within his heart
They were his holding grace,
To walk a road, so long foretold
Among the human race.
One day when we all reach our goal
I’m sure these words we’ll find
Imprinted on a frame of gold
“Yours Will Be Done, Not Mine.”
– – – written by E.V. Stankowski RN
About the author: E.V. Stankowski is a RN of 22 years with an expertise in alcohol and drug dependency detox/rehab treatment. She has written two other collections; “Angel of Mercy Collection,” which are poems reflecting tributes to nurses and, the “Petals of Gold Collection,” which encompasses a variety of literary works.
jesus bc of my sin u died on d cross of calvary. Fada i plead 4 4givens in anyway i hav wrngd u. Remeba me on d last day, Amen.
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