Assurance is defined as ‘something that is designed to inspire confidence’. You can consider 2012 as a new beginning. You can decide what you want to accomplish this year. You can commit your plans to the Lord. But until you get the assurance that God is present in this whole affair, your confidence level would be on a low level. So it is important that you get assurance about your plans and actions.
We can ask experts to give us wise counsel. We can refer books to get helpful insights. These are good ways of building up confidence. But going to the Holy Bible works better than any other way! Psalm 119:105 (NLT) says, “Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.â€
When we are not sure of our steps, God gives us assurance through His Word. When we feel confused about the actions we got to take, God’s Word brings clarity to our actions.
The disciples of Jesus have experienced the assurance that came through His Word. They knew that only Jesus could grant it to them. That is why Peter exclaimed, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal lifeâ€! (John 6:68).
Here are two major ways that help you obtain assurance from the Scriptures:
1) Analyze your plans with the Scripture. It can be a direct scriptural principle like water baptism. Or it can be an indirect scriptural principle like a particular company you like to work with. Prayerfully and diligently search the Scriptures to find what He wants you to do. The Scriptures will start ministering to you and your confidence level will shoot up.
2) Follow the peace. God’s peace works as an umpire. Colossians 3:15 (AMP) says, “And let the peace (soul harmony which comes) from Christ rule (act as umpire continually) in your hearts [deciding and settling with finality all questions that arise in your minds…†As you continue in the Scriptures, check the level of your peace. The more you sense peace, the more your confidence level increases.
After searching the Scriptures, if you find that your plans do not line up with God’s Word, be willing to change your plan. Ask God for a better plan. Also, if you do not sense peace in your heart, ask God to give you a solution. He will surely give you a better solution which you may have never thought of earlier.
So, remember: You must obtain assurance from the Scriptures before you launch out!
In the next post, we are going to have the fifth step to starting 2012 afresh. In the meantime, what are some of your experiences about being guided by God through His Word? Add these in the comments section below.
– – – written by Joe Abraham from