Back after a long gap without any new posts here on TBTG website, we are happy to present to you some cool new parenting tips in short video clip formats in Malayalam language. This is a new venture from the Angels’ Army team. These are excerpts from the talk show Madhuramozhi which discusses various topics related to parenting from a catholic point of view.
Kids inside Church
The very first video in this series, given above, talks about the concern over the playful behavior of kids inside churches. This is a pretty common sight during Holy Mass, at least in churches in Kerala. What all thoughts come to your mind when you see kids playing around a lot inside church? As a parent, what do you feel about your own little kid roaming around inside the church catching everyone’s attention? See the video clip above to know more.
Sterilization Vs Recanalization
In this second video clip, a couple discusses the conception and birth of their fifth child after recanalization operation. After having 4 children, the couple initially decides to do sterilization and stops any further pregnancy. What prompts them to do a re-think and do recanalization? Watch the above video clip to know more.
Preparation for Marriage
The importance of preparing for marriage is discussed in this third video clip from Madhuramozhi. How do you prepare for your own wedding? Are you more concerned on the physical aspects of marriage like the grand marriage ceremony, the long VIP guest list, the grand feast etc? Or even long before you decide your life partner, do you even start to pray for your would-be spouse and his/her family? Watch this third video clip above to know how some catholic couples are preparing spiritually very well in advance for their marriage and the blessings they receive due to this.
More and more of such short parenting tip Malayalam videos will be soon coming up at the Youtube page of Angels’ Army.