I am Jesus

I am Jesus

“I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6)

Jesus is the greatest teacher who ever lived on planet earth. His teachings inspired the weak and angered the proud. Though full of heavenly wisdom, His teachings have great clarity of thought.

The Gospel of John records a bunch of interesting statements which Jesus made about Himself. These are known as the “I AM” sayings of Christ. A reading into these passages will remind one of the Old Testament passages where God revealed Himself as “I AM” – the eternal, ever-present God (Exodus 3:14). The “I AM” sayings illustrate Christ’s equality with the Father.

There are seven “I AM” sayings of Jesus. These express His identity, acts, purpose and uniqueness.

Gate (John 10:7)
Jesus called Himself the ‘gate’ for the ‘sheep’. A gate is an entry into something new or different. As Savior, He is the entry into something that is different from the world – God’s Kingdom. Many have claimed to be that entry but only Christ has proved to be true.

Shepherd (John 10:11)
Jesus also called Himself the ‘shepherd’ of the ‘sheep’. Shepherds have the passion and courage to nurture and protect their sheep. In tough times, they stick to their job; but false shepherds give up.

Many follow false ‘gods’ who lead them astray and abandon them during tough times. As Savior, Jesus loves to be a shepherd to all people regardless of color, creed or country. He loves to nurture and protect them. And he sticks to His promises, especially in tough times.

Resurrection (John 11:25)
No leader has ever come back from death to life other than Jesus. Death and decay could not hold Him. As Savior, He saves those who follow Him from eternal death. Fear of death has been broken from their minds.

Life (John 11:25)
Jesus is the giver of life. When Satan plans to destroy lives, Christ gives life. ‘Abundance’ is the quality of that life which He provides – and it’s not just for some days, but for eternity.

Way (John 14:6)
A guide can show the way to a particular place. There are many who claim to be ways to heaven. Unlike all of them, Jesus not only shows the way but also is the way to heaven.

Truth (John 14:6)
Truth is an absolute and ultimate certainty that cannot be rivaled. All the so-called truths of the world fail miserably when tested. But Christ uttered truths that withstood all tests because He Himself is the truth.

Vine (John 15:1)
Vine is a woody climbing plant which bears grapes used especially for making wine in ancient times. Jesus calls Himself ‘the vine’ because He is the one who can produce real joyful living in the lives of people. When the world offers ‘packs’ that supposedly help people enjoy life but prove to be fake, Jesus brings everlasting joy and blessings to people who choose to follow Him.

During this Christmas season, let these seven “I AM” sayings help you to recognize and appreciate the person of Jesus Christ and motivate you to follow the Savior more closely.

Model Prayer:

Jesus, I thank you for helping me to know you more through the “I AM” sayings. Help me to apply this teaching in my life. I choose to follow you as my Savior.

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