How To Walk In The Holy Spirit

Walk in the holy spirit

“…do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God…” (Ephesians 4:30)

No one in his right mind will ever try to hurt a child. Rather we try comforting a disturbed child and we love seeing the child giving a toothless smile! Similarly no one who loves God will deliberately try to hurt His Spirit. However the Scripture exhorts us not to grieve the Holy Spirit. That doesn’t mean He is so touchy. No! The truth is, He is so strong and powerful.

Holy Spirit is the One who brooded over darkness and brought forth a beautifully recreated earth. He is the One who breathed on the valley of dry bones and raised up a mighty army. He is the One who came mightily upon the 120 in the upper room in Jerusalem and inaugurated the church era with a sweeping harvest of 3000 souls! He isn’t touchy!

But why does the Scripture asks us not to grieve the Holy Spirit? It is because He is gentle. He is not like the devil who comes into a place without being invited or breaks in without permission. On the contrary, the Holy Spirit comes when you invite Him to come in. He moves away when you resist Him. Yes, He is sovereign. But this is His nature. This is not His weakness. This is His uniqueness!

Holy Spirit is the One who takes us home when Christ comes a second time. He is the seal that God placed on us that we might escape the eternal fires of hell. He is given the charge of guiding us daily in all truth. He protects us from the devil and all his wicked schemes. However all these happen only if we allow Him! If we grieve Him, we are in fact tying His hands from helping us out.

How does someone grieve the Holy Spirit? It’s when one turns from following God’s Word and starts walking in selfish ways. It may be a seemingly simple thing like gossiping. Or it may be prayerlessness or neglecting fellowship with fellow believers. It may be hidden sins or outright rebellion. It may even be following Jesus with ungodly motives!

It is true that God is all-powerful. But He has given you a role in working with Him in order to fulfil His plans on this earth, in your life, and in eternity. And for that, He wants you to stay away from anything that grieves the Holy Spirit.

As you do so, you will begin to sense the sweet presence of the Holy Spirit on your life. His anointing will begin to flow on you and seemingly impossible things will suddenly become possible and doable. Even people who associate with you will sense it and be blessed by it.

Now is your time to walk in the Holy Spirit!

– – – written by Joe Abraham

1 thought on “How To Walk In The Holy Spirit”

  1. I’m glad coming to this site anew.Who on earth can bring sweetness to a life,at same time the whole world like this my Saviour and Lord,Jesus i’m shot of words for but i’m free to say i love you.

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