Catholic Prayer Cards

Catholic Prayer Cards for free download are given above. You can find 20 high-resolution prayer cards as thumbnails and you only need to click on any of them to see the full picture. Just right-click and save the full picture to have that particular Catholic prayer card in your computer. After this, you can even print the prayer card and distribute in your church and among your friends.

List of Catholic Prayer Cards

1. Blessed John Paul II prayer card
2. Novena Prayer to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
3. Prayer to the Blessed Mother
4. Rosary Cards
5. Prayer for Peace by St Francis Assisi
6. Prayer to St Jude
7. Prayer to St Christopher
8. Prayer to St Catherine
9. Offering to Mary
10. Prayer of St Teresa
11. St Mary Magdalene
12. Policeman’s Prayer to Saint Michael
13. Chaplet of Divine Mercy
14. The Hail Mary
15. Mother of Priests, Mother of Vocations
16. Memorare Prayer Card
17. Immaculate Heart of Mary
18. Our Lady of Guadalupe
19. Prayer to Jesus and Mary Heart
20. Our Lady of Fatima prayer card

Almost half of these catholic prayer cards are of very huge dimensions, a lot more than 1024×768. So they can be useful for 2 purposes:

a. Set them as your desktop wallpaper. A prayer card as a wallpaper to your computer.
b. Print these prayer cards and you can distribute them among your friends and relatives.

We hope that these Catholic prayer cards will be a real boost to your mission work. God bless you all.

4 thoughts on “Catholic Prayer Cards”

  1. Hello,

    Your site is really wonderful. Thank you!

    I had all sorts of things to say but now they have left my head and I have sent this rather silly comment instead. :S

    God Bless You

  2. Noticed one of your prayers cards this a.m. on the internet. Was confused/appalled that St Jude Thaddeus was the one who betrayed Christ? That perp was Judas Iscariot. Both apostles but not related and certainly not the same person. Foolish on your part. Will say a prayer tho. mlp

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