Anyone who has read “The Imitation of Christ” by Thomas A. Kempis may be left wondering if this Catholic brother had any devotion to Mary. The Imitation of Mary is a resounding “Yes!”. Here, Thomas shows his deep insight into the prerogatives, graces and glory of Mary.
Theme :
The Imitation of Mary is a wonderful introduction to true devotion to Mary. Read it prayerfully, read it slowly and above all read it meditatively to enter into the Mystery of Christ and his love for his mother. Thomas is, once more, a sure guide leading you along a sound and faithful path to Mary and with Mary to Jesus.
The contents are divided into 4 parts:
# Book 1: Meeting Mary.
# Book 2: Knowing Mary.
# Book 3: Loving Mary.
# Book 4: Calling on Mary in Prayer and Song.
Excerpts :
Writing about the “Grandeurs and Glories of Mary“, Thomas exclaims, “O Mary, greater than the heavens, you have the world under your feet and you are seated close to God, on the throne of honor which Jesus gave you.” Here, Thomas shows his deep insight into scriptures, for Mary as “Mother of the Lord” is the new Queen-Mother and just as Solomon who points towards Christ, “stood up to meet her [his mother] and paid her homage. Then he sat down upon his throne, and a throne was provided for the king’s mother, who sat at his right.” (2 Kings, 2:19) so does Jesus seat his mother at his right hand side.
Elsewhere, Thomas writes saying that “by testimony of the Holy Scripture Mary was from all time, and will be always, the holiest virgin among all virgins, the most beatiful women among all women, the sweetest mother among all mothers.”
About the Author : Thomas à Kempis (1380-1471)
Thomas à Kempis was a late Medieval Catholic monk and author of The Imitation of Christ, one of the best known Christian books on devotion. His writings are all of a devotional character and include tracts and meditations, letters, sermons, a life of Saint Lydewigis, a Christian woman who remained steadfast under a great stress of afflictions, and biographies of Groote, Radewijns, and nine of their companions. Works similar in content to the Imitation of Christ, and pervaded by the same spirit, are his prolonged meditation on the life and blessings of the Savior and another on the Incarnation. Both of these works overflow with adoration for Christ.
Mary is the Model of the Church to be imitated
by Individuals, Families,Parishes and Dioceses
1.In listening to the Word ;She kept everything in
her heart
2.In Prayer: Let it be done according to Thy Word My soul glorifies the Lord
3.United with the Apostates and Disciples in one Mind and One Heart.
Evangelization ; At the foot of the Cross
At Cana