When One Door Closes, Another Opens

When One Door Closes, Another Opens

Trusting God when the door seems to be closing

With so much happening in the world today – the recession, job loss etc it seems like all the doors are closing right in front of us. It seems like there’s no way out of the situation we’re in. We pray and pray (day and night) asking God to open up the windows of opportunity for us, but what do you do when all the doors seem to be closed? There’s encouragement for you today.

When one door closes, another one opens

There are times when we pray and ask God for things. “God bless me with a job; give me that promotion at work; help me to pay my bills” etc. We ask God for a lot of things. However, we never ask God to open the doors which He wants to open and shut those which He wants to close.

Today, I’m looking for a job and it seems as though every door is closing on me. Turned down after turned down after turned down. Then I realized that God has something better in store for me. My plans are not always His plans.

God has another plan for you

Sometimes the things we pray for are not the things God has in store for us. Oftentimes, we pray for little things when God wants to bless us with bigger ones. Sometimes we pray to God to bless us with the wrong things. I had to encourage myself and tell myself: when one door closes, another one opens.

You may be going through a situation right now feeling as though nothing is working out for your good. You might want to give up and throw the towel in. I want to encourage you today and tell you not to give up.

When God closes one door He opens up another. It could be that God wants you to have something else or be somewhere else in life. Or that God simply has another route for you to go down. Sometimes we have to hear NO in order to get to where God wants us to be. Sometimes door closes not because God is against us, but simply because it’s used as a tool to guide us where God wants us to be.

When you feel as though you are losing hope, don’t! Giving up, don’t do it. Know that God is with you. Guiding and ordering your footsteps. He has a specific path just for you to travel down but sometimes, like children, we lose track and go down the wrong path. Because of this, God put road blocks in the wrong paths to get us going down the right path.


Be encouraged and know that God has the key to open every door; change every situation and open new windows of opportunities. Sometimes, road blocks are there to lead you to the path Jesus wants you to go; sort of like the yellow and white ink in the street guiding you as you drive to your destination.

Be encouraged and know that God does everything for a reason; not for our downfall, but for our good and to His glory. The road blocks we face is simply God guiding us. Be encouraged in Jesus name knowing that when one door closes, another opens. God bless you.

– – – written by Vishal Bhadlekar, 09892400687

6 thoughts on “When One Door Closes, Another Opens”

  1. I love Jesus. He is my Lord. He saved me and keep me along te saints’ road. I want courage to be as He loves me.

  2. Not always because sometimes there are evil people that take the opportunity to grab that door. Reshape it and stuff you into a box that better pleases THEIR version of who you are, where you belong or who you should be. This done all in the name of God.

    People get divorces and chosing to do that? The hardest thing for a Christian; but, there are some that persecute those that have anguished and discerned that THAT marriage was never their vocation. That try to discredit you and humiliate you. Spread rumors and mock you and tell you you can’t even walk in the hallway where you were baptized. Greedy people are “good”; but, that take advantage of the vulnerable to lift themselves up.

    Love does not always win and justice is not blind. Not when there is money involved. The sheep have teeth and mammon? You can’t have two masters you love one or? Well oft quoted very rarely lived most of the bible. I feel sooo sad.

  3. I have a question and pray that you can help me. I’m a faithful Christian and have been all of my life. Married to the same wonderful man for 40 years and went thru many many bad times. Lost my eldest daughter to a drunk driver when she was just 21. Have had a rough life but never lost faith that God is in charge of my life. My health has been poor for as long as I can remember and I’ve worked myself into an early grave. I’m 58 years old but I feel like I’m 88. I’ve so many health issues going on that I have a hard time functioning on any level. Most days I pray for God to take me because my I’m sick all the time. How can I do His will when my quality of life keeps me home and bedridden? I have a number of different drs and too many meds that are supposed to be helping me feel better but nothing helps. Please pray for me and send me some spiritual advice. I feel so useless and see no future for myself. Most days I feel as tho I don’t belong in this world any more, like I’ve outgrown it and than I don’t belong here. There’s so much I’d like to do but just can’t! Please help me!

  4. every time i pray for very small things i never asked is that good for me or not still now i was feeling like every door was closed and i was not able to see light i pray everyday god talks to me to keep faith and beleive in him i feel why he is not answering to me and why he talks about faith but today he answerd that doors are opening but i have to be patient and trust him he never leaves me he walked all along my struggles he guided me thank you very much sir

  5. Kindly pray for ‘ MY FIANCE & his FAMILY’ to be ‘TRANSFORMED COMPLETELY & ACCEPT & RESPECT MY FAMILY as his own. Let there be PEACE & TRANSFORMATION in MY family, too. I hope the LORD plans to get my fiance & me married without any blocks. May the LORD BLESS our finance.

    I await for the Lord’s door to be opened & my prayer to be urgently answered. Amen.

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