In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I come against the prince-ruling spirit and all spirit guides. I come through the blood of the lord Jesus Christ, in the name of Jesus. I paralyze you and silence you, forbidding you from influencing or strengthening them (the witch or witches) in the name of Jesus, right now!
We are destroying your very works: the spirits of hate, bitterness and murder, spirits of envy and jealousy, spirits of wizardry, sorcery and all your co-spirits, your works, your powers, your influences are destroyed in the name of Jesus!
I paralyze you, all, right now. You will not be able to use this soul any longer against the church (or, a particular person), in the name of Jesus.
I come against the spirit of blindness, binding the spirits of bondage and heaviness, fear and hate.
I pray, lord, that you will open their eyes so they can see the glory of Jesus. Open their hearts so that they can hear your voice. Break the yokes in their lives and give them liberty in their souls, that they may be free to repent. Show them every evil work and every evil deed they’re guilty of, and lord Jesus, convict their hearts unto repentance. Bring these souls out of darkness; save these souls so that you may have the glory.
Satan, i silence you in the name of Jesus, binding all your interference. You will not interfere with these souls and they will have their own free will choice so as to make up their own minds if they want to repent. They will do it without your interference. Also, lord Jesus, I pray that you will release warring angels to wage war against these demonic activities, and will send ministering spirits to minister to their souls.
I did not get the concentration to complete my thesis.kindly pray for me to get concentration and do my thesis early.please pray for me to destruct the work of satan .
I enjoy all the christian document I read.May God continue to use you win souls and may I never fall by the way side IJN Amen.
To varghese.pj
I pray for you right now , I come against the spirit of distraction and delay. I bind them up from your thoughts and actions right now! I recognize you satan and your attempts to delay him from completing his Thesis, I release your messengers from their assignment and declare and decree that his thoughts and ideas flow freely and his Thesis will be written in excellence. God will bless everything he puts his hands to do , In JESUS name !! Amen
I love the Lord with all my mind, heart and soul…just realizing that the words on this page really needed to be read and felt. Praise God!
Amen! Let us pray for those going to minister to people in Haiti today. Their prayers will be against the evil spirits of voodoo, witchcraft & spirits of hate.
(Job 33:23-24) “But if a special messenger from heaven is there to intercede for a person, to declare he is upright, God will be gracious & say, “Set him free.”
please pray for me against spirit of delay,setback,frustration and not getting married.Am a lady of 42 years,still single,always dreaming back to my fathers house.
sir, please pray for my friend to refund money he owes me for sometime now. I couldn’t sue him because we were in the same ministry and out of trust I brothered into financial dealings. He has money but capitalizes on my weakness. I am facing huge financial difficulties. He has many times ignored me and even my phone calls. No one in or outside the ministries want help. Iam on my own. please help, nothing prayers can’t do. Thanks God bless.
My name was Grace Makombe but ive reverted to islam when i married my husband ,My name is Gaironiesa Levendahl my husband’s name is Sulayman Levendahl.We married for 3months now but we together for almost 5yrs .His parents has never accepted our marriage they hate me and they said they going to break us apart.They using witch craft to break us apart and they succeeding.My husband has moved out of our house his moved in with his mother, his like a robot that does everything they tell him to do.He told me over the phone that he misses me and wants to come home but something keeps him from coming.He wants a meeting with my family because he wants a divorce,its his parents evil doings.Please help me to pray for God to break these peoples evil plots and plans,to break all their evilness and evilchains they have over my husband, my life is falling apart please help us
My wife vijay prabha lakra is behaving abnormal way caused and affected by demonic/negative energy. she has such condition since dec 2014 and after marriage not blessed by any baby. Even my mother similarly physical and mentally suffering (bed patient) in same time then. Please prayer for both of them to be delivered from such condition and live normal life.