Prayer of Angels

Prayer of Angels

We, Angels, pray for you when you cannot pray for yourself because we love you so much more than you can imagine. Here is our prayer for you…

God please be with your precious child that we love so much.
Give them comfort and peace.
Show them the right way to go.
Spare them their troubles.
Help them to find love in themselves and others.
Help them to see themselves as we see them.
Show them how beautiful their light is.
Show them that they are love.
Let us take them in our wings to give them comfort and love.
Let us teach them the power of love and gratitude.
Give them peace and joy.
Give them unconditional love.
Let them know how much they are loved
Let them know that they are a child of God.
Let them know that they are a divine being.
Let them know we are your messengers and
we love them and want to help them.
Let them know that we are here for them always and
to call on us for anything.
Show them that they are blessed beyond measure.

With Great Love,
The Angels

– – – – – – written by AngelBaby

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