Poem : Jesus Calls You

Jesus Calls You

Don’t be foolish or slow of heart, I will not pass you by.
Sit with Me.

I am your healer, the restorer of your soul, and the One who forgives.
Turn to Me.

I will lead you to still waters and quiet resting places.
Walk with Me.

I wait for you with outstretched arms to assure you of My love.
Run to Me.

Let My words be as a flame of love that burns deep within you.
Sup with Me.

Why are you troubled and why do doubts arise so easily?
Look to Me.

I am your song, I want to fill your heart with My praises.
Delight in Me.

What I have told you, I am faithful to fulfill.
Rest in Me.

Let Me open your understanding so you can know all I have done for you.
Learn of Me.

I am glorified and have sent you the promise of My Father.
Drink of Me.

I will be your source of joy and fruitfulness. You will never be empty.
Abide in Me.

I speak to you the promises that come from My Father’s heart.
Trust in Me.

I place My hands over you and pour out my richest blessings upon you.
Receive from Me.

4 thoughts on “Poem : Jesus Calls You”

  1. In the name of the Jesus Christ,Praise the Lord to
    all of you.and may the God Bless You and your family.
    kindly send me the Jesus kawali songs.and other christmas kawali.

    Thank you

    Sachin Singh

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