Poem : God Always Sends Rainbows After The Rain

Rainbows after the Rain


Whatever your cross,
whatever your pain,
there will always be sunshine,
after the rain

Perhaps you may stumble,
perhaps even fall,
But God’s always ready,
To answer your call

He knows every heartache,
sees every tear,
A word from His lips,
can calm every fear

Your sorrows may linger,
throughout the night,
But suddenly vanish,
in dawn’s early light

The Savior is waiting,
somewhere above,
To give you His grace,
and send you His love ..

Whatever your cross,
whatever your pain,
“God always sends rainbows
after the rain.”

– – – written by Pastor Connie Ciccone

11 thoughts on “Poem : God Always Sends Rainbows After The Rain”

  1. Hello. I was wondering where you found the poem that you called, “God always sends rainbows after the rain”?

  2. My neice wrote this poem; although I believe some of the words may have been changed. She submitted her poem in a contest a few years ago, but never heard back about it. I guess someone used it without telling her. (that probably happens often when dealing with the internet.) That’s sad, but that just proves that she’s a great writer.
    ps. I love the picture that you included before the poem.

  3. Hi Guardian,

    Thank you…Yes, the pic is really cute.

    Oh is it so? I asked my friend about the author of this wonderful poem when he gave this to me but he said he don’t know as he got it from someone else.

    What is her name? I would be only glad to include her name under the poem. Plz reply.

    Georgy N

  4. Since she is under 18, she prefers not to publish her real name online. (She was about 14 when she originally submitted the poem.) Maybe you could just write Author Unknown next to it. Maybe when she turns 18 she will agree to put her name on it, but that will be a while. Thanks. Have a great day!

  5. Ok lets be perfectly clear on this poem.
    Which was copywrited back in 2005.
    I am the author of this poem…Period
    Please acknowledge this fact by placing my name on the poem or remove it.
    The poem is currently being made into a song

  6. I want to say that I am sorry. It seems I may have been mislead. After researching online, I have found the following
    Actually states “Copyright May, 1992 © by Connie Ciccone”
    That would make it impossible for my niece to have written it. Glad the real author is getting credit.

  7. Pastor Connie Ciccone,

    About two weeks ago my friend lost her son. It
    was very unexpected, he was only 37 years old. She prayed to God three days later and asked him to show her a rainbow if her son went to Heaven, later that day she seen a rainbow. To her that was validation that her son went to heaven and it meant everything to her. Another friend of mine happened to have taken a picture of that rainbow from that day. I printed that picture out as an 8×10 and bought a 14×18 picture frame. I was searching for a poem to put with the picture and came across your poem titled God Always Sends Rainbows After the Rain. I would like your permission to use this poem with the picture, of course you name will be added at the bottom as the author. Could you please get back to me as soon as possible, as I don’t want to wait to long to give it to her.

    Thank You very much,
    Darlene (dar.elliott77@gmail.com)

  8. On reading my bible today, I was looking through my notes and came across this poem. However, I had it (by) Shalabh Gupta? Please advise

  9. Pastor Connie Ciccone
    February 25, 2010 at 2:16 am
    Ok lets be perfectly clear on this poem.
    Which was copywrited back in 2005.
    I am the author of this poem…Period
    Please acknowledge this fact by placing my name on the poem or remove it.
    The poem is currently being made into a song

    Good day!
    How can I get in touch with Pastor Connie Ciccone?
    It is true that this poem is being made into a song,.. I am..
    Thanks for the help.

    much love,
    Miss K

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