Kairos is a christian youth magazine in Malayalam. It is published by JesusYouth as an outreach to youth. Through this media we want to influence a large number of youth with the message of the gospel and the transforming and saving love of Jesus Christ. Even though it is published by Jesus youth, the reader target is the ordinary general youth.
Download Kairos Free Editions - January 2012, February 2012
Kairos is purely a youth initiative for the youth. It is being published from 1977 onwards. It is a group of young people from Calicut who initiated it. From 1998 onwards, it is being published under the sponsorship of Kerala Jesus Youth.
What is Kairos?
For the past 15 years, Kairos has been reaching out to teens and young people. In spite of the constant struggle to maintain production quality due to the meager finances, thousands of copies of the magazine are sold every month, inspiring numerous youth and teenagers. If you ask us, this is the greatest miracle of Kairos.
What’s inside Kairos?
Personal Experiences of Youth, Lifestyle Guides, Discussions, Opinions, Church News, Responses to Current Events, Jesus Youth News, Youth-centric Insights and much more – all this put together in a light and simple manner that can be instantly recognised as the ‘Kairos style’.
What does Kairos do?
It is the only youth and teenage communication in Kerala with a focus on the Church. Kairos helps thousands of youth form relevant responses and lifestyles in today’s world based on the Church’s teachings through simple sharings of spiritual experiences by young people. Brings together young people endeavouring to live a life of faith in Jesus. Reaches out to Sunday school teachers and other catechists through free copies, aiding them with new insights on youth.
Where is Kairos going?
Many pages of this magazine (believe it or not) are still printed in black and white. In a world where youth are used to colour and high quality, Kairos is looking to upgrade its production quality and thereby attract more interest and readers. Kairos is also attempting to reach out to more young people within the Church and outside and have them networked through www.kairos.jesusyouth.org and facebook page.
Kairos attempts to remain a platform which encourages youth to live their call in Jesus through research and studies that understand youth, particularly from a Jesus Youth perspective.
How can you keep Kairos going?
1. Add us, the Kairos team, to the top of your prayer list.
2. If you do not have a personal subscription to the magazine, subscribe now and keep this ministry growing.
3. By making a monthly contribution anywhere between Rs. 200 and 1000, you can become a Friend of Kairos making you a part of our prayer circle and giving you access to exclusive updates, downloads and event invites.
4. You could sponsor a Kairos subscription for a priest in any diocese in Kerala. Besides providing him insights on today’s youth, the magazine will be beneficial to him by keeping him updated on the latest youth issues and perspectives.
5. You could make this Lent a new beginning for your relatives by gifting them a Kairos subscription for the coming year.
All this can be done using the same subscription form.
I believe, you can personally make a difference and keep us going in this ministry – especially at this time when we are struggling to make a larger leap of faith. For any clarification, you can call me on +91-484-24281816 or email me at kairosmag@gmail.com
– – – written by Chackochan Njavallil, Editor of Kairos Magazine
Hi Vineesh,
You can download sample PDF copies of Jan 2012 and Feb 2012 Kairos magazine from the download links given above in the article.
The subscription rates for Kairos magazine:-
India: 1 Year Rs.180, 5 Years Rs.800
International: 1 year Rs.1500
Hope you were looking for the same info. Please let us know if you have further queries.
God Bless You,
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Reji Philip
please inform me can I get Malayalam Kairos magazines by post I am living in Indore (MP)
i want jesus news.
I subscribed for kairos through online,but there is no payment option.so how i do that?