Download : Sharing-Gods-Planet
Click the link above to download “Sharing God’s Planet†(184 KB) eBook by Claire Foster
About the eBook :-
A Christian vision for a sustainable future
The earth is ailing, and every creature in it, including humankind, is affected. The evidence suggests that human activity, particularly in the last 100 years, has contributed significantly to the suffering. Humans treat the earth according to their perceptions of it. If people see each other as alien and the earth as inert matter, their behaviour will reflect that perception. If people see each other as part of the same family, and the earth as connected to them because of its sacred origin in the same God who made them, they may be motivated to live in harmony under God.
Table of Contents :-
part one : human impact on the environment
spheres of intervention
the atmosphere
the hydrosphere
the lithosphere and pedosphere
the biosphere
summary and conclusion
part two : biblical and theological reflection
stewards of creation
the covenant with creation
the sacrament of creation
the role of humanity
the Sabbath feast of enoughness
part three : a practical Christian response
sustainable consumption
ecological footprints
sustainable development
subjects for reflection and group discussion
an exercise in contemplation
exercises to help connect with the different
elements of God’s creation
part four : environmental organizations,
contacts and web sites
recommended reading