Do you send empty messages to loved ones

send empty messages to loved ones

There are many phrases associated with the word “blank”, such a drawing a blank, fill in the blank, or giving someone a blank stare. The other day I even managed to e-mail a blank!!

I had cut out an article to send to a friend. I addressed the mail, filled in the topic space and proceeded to press the send button. In my scurry to get it sent in a hurry, I completely forgot to paste my article in the blank space provided, therefore sending “a blank”.

I wondered if sometimes I live a blank- sending empty messages to loved ones and friends.  Does my life reflect my love for God, and my certainty of His love for me? Do I allow the Holy Spirit to use me where I am needed in the body of Christ, and do I always remember to give the glory to Him? Do I share my praises with others, or just keep them to myself?

When you draw a blank – nothing happens. Could the same can be true with a spiritual blank? You can just be…  “blah!” … with nothing happening .

When we receive from God, we are called to share – whether it is serving others, praying for them, singing in the choir, helping the poor and homeless or just even sharing our joy and thanks for the gifts of love, good health, friendships, and experiences with our living Lord.

Lord, I want my life to reflect your love in a special manner. I pray I will not exhibit a spiritual “blank”, but will truly allow myself to be an open vessel for you – ready to be poured out and spilled to overflowing with the love you have planted in my heart.

How about you? What is your life in Christ exhibiting?

– – – written by Marion Smith

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