Hole In The Heart

Hole In The Heart

The tree was smack in the middle of downtown surrounded by a lot of concrete, stores, and cars, with roots going down into a tiny patch of dirt by the street.

Right in the middle of the trunk was a hole. The hole apparently was made by a branch growing back around grafting itself into the main tree trunk.

The tree seemed healthy. Its leaves were shiny with a vibrant deep green hue. It looked good. It functioned as a bit of shade-giver and was growing fine. Everything about seemed to be normal.

Except that it still had the hole in its center.

Sometimes we walk around with holes in our hearts. We look good, we carry on day-to-day, and the hole goes undetected by anyone. But sometimes we are aware that it is still there.

This Easter we remember how Jesus demonstrated the love of God towards us all. He came to restore us to our relationship with God, and He came to heal…including holes in our hearts.

His love will heal your heart when He touches you with His love. He not only can do that, but is more than willing to.

God is love. That is good news.

– – – written by Sally I. Kennedy

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