Do you have so many questions related to your existence, like what is my purpose? Why do I have a body? Why did God create us as male and female?
And also if you are a Catholic, you may have many more questions like why Catholic Church does not bless same sex marriages? Why the church cannot tolerate masturbation where as even psychologists say it’s good for our mental health? What harm can pornography do to us? How can I overcome porn addiction?
Why Church says having sexual union outside marriage is a grave sin? What is the true meaning of marriage? Why abortion is a sin? Are you confused between the terms gender and sex? Have you ever gone through gender identity crisis? And do you know how you should respond to your peers/colleagues who are homosexuals? Also if we have a very strong sexual attraction to the same sex what shall we do then?
If you are looking for answers to all these above questions, here comes your help — Theology Of The Body which is a treasure given to us by Pope St. John Paul II. Theology of the Body (TOB) is an antidote to all the above mentioned problems in today’s confused world. TOB answers all the WHYs of today’s hot-button issues. It helps us to put an end to the culture of death and create a culture of life. Theology of the Body is the topic of a series of 129 lectures given by Pope St John Paul II during his Wednesday audiences in between September 5, 1979 and November 28, 1984.
TOB Conference And Retreat
TOB conference is now available in INDIA in the month of September and October, taken by Brother Babu John, who is an internationally recognized certified speaker on TOB and is a TOB missionary. The programs are in Chennai, Nashik and Palakkad. Please check the first image along with this article and also download the Chennai version of TOB conference brochure.
To know more about TOB, please visit Br. Babu John’s website www.tobforlife.org and his Youtube channel. If you would like to watch more interesting videos on TOB by Mr. Christopher West, who is the co-founder of Theology of The Body institute, please visit the Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/@theologyofthebodyinstitute
We hope that you will greatly benefit from learning TOB and have a life-giving, life-changing experience. If you would like to know more details about TOB conferences in INDIA, leave a comment here on this post and we will guide you by providing any other related information also.