The annual World Day of Prayer for Vocations is an appropriate occasion for highlighting the importance of vocations in the life and mission of the Church, as well as for intensifying our prayer that they may increase in number and quality.
Pope Paul VI instituted the World Day of Prayer for Vocations (the 4th Sunday of Easter) on the 11th April 1964 by saying - “O Jesus, divine Shepherd of the spirit, you have called the Apostles in order to make them fishermen of men, you still attract to you burning spirits and generous young people, in order to render them your followers and ministers to us†– (Pope Paul VI launching the 1st Word Day of Prayer for Vocations)
General Intercessions for Vocation Awareness
1. That men and women may find joy in sacrificing personal gain for the service of others in a Church vocation, we pray to the LORD.
2. That the LORD of the Harvest may open the hearts of our young people to the possibility of a life in priesthood or religious life, we pray to the LORD.
3. That parents, by their lives and example, may encourage Church vocations among their children, we pray to the LORD.
4. For all men and women who wish to follow Christ, that they may respond generously to God’s graces, trusting His leading them into His service as priests or religious, we pray to the LORD.
5. For Christian families, the source of religious vocations, that they may be prompted to encourage young people to rejoice in doing God’s will, we pray to the LORD.
6. That today’s youth may show generosity to Jesus’ call and make wise decisions in choosing their vocation in life, we pray to the LORD.
7. For all young men of our parish who are making lifetime choices at this time, that they will include service to the People of God as a diocesan priest among their other options, we pray to the LORD.
8. For all parents of our parish, that they may instill a positive regard for the priesthood as a wholesome lifetime career path their sons might consider, we pray to the LORD.
9. For our young people, that they may find a joyful faith in their families, and encouragement to respond to a life of ministry and service, we pray to the LORD.
10. For a full appreciation of the gift of ministry within the Church, and for an increase of vocations to the priesthood and religious life, we pray to the LORD.
11. For all candidates for priesthood in our diocese, that they may have the courage of their convictions and the generosity to act upon them if they believe in their hearts that God is calling them to priesthood, we pray to the LORD.
12. For all pastors and parish priests of our diocese, that they will recognize and invite to priesthood men of their parishes who have the aptitude for priestly service, we pray to the LORD.
13. For all priests, deacons, religious men and women, and all lay ministers who serve our Church and for those who are struggling to answer the call they are experiencing at this time, we pray to the LORD.
14. For all involved in the examination of candidates to priesthood at this time, that their choices will benefit the whole Church of the 21st Century, we pray to the LORD.
15. For all parishioners who have made a commitment to pray intensely for vocations, that their intercessory prayer for an increase of candidates for priesthood in our diocese will be fruitful for the Church and they will be blessed for their efforts, we pray to the LORD.
16. For the Parish Vocations Commission of our diocese, that they will grown in appreciation of the task entrusted to them, and that the seeds of awareness they plant will grow to maturity through prayer and care, we pray to the LORD.
17. That Lent 2012 will be a time of grace and renewal for all Christians throughout the world, and that there will be a renewal of interest in the vocations of Church service, we pray to the LORD.
18. For all the priests and religious who are guiding the Catholic people of our parishes in this 21st Century, we pray to the LORD.
19. That our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, will be blessed as he leads Catholics to lift up the world to God in prayer, we pray to the LORD.
20. That the new Millennium will be a time of renewal for the Church and that many people will follow their individual call from God to assist in the work of evangelization, we pray to the LORD.
21. In thanksgiving to God for the blessings of the 20th Century, asking a powerful outpouring of His Spirit on the new Millennium, we pray to the LORD.
22. For all the priests, religious and lay people who will serve the Church, the People of God, in the 21st Century, we pray to the LORD.