Play the above video clip – Its the Christmas Story told through Facebook.
A social network Christmas
This is a fantastic video. It tells the amazing story in a different and new way, but it touches my heart the same.
Joseph updates his FB status as ‘I am pledged to marry someone very special.’ to which Mary responds.
Joseph and Mary are pledged to be married. This is LIKED by Elizabeth and Zechariah.
Mary writes on her wall ‘I’m pregnant! Conceived by Holy Spirit’
An Angel has appeard to me!
Josephs friend to Joseph ‘hey Joseph, is that true?’
Joseph replies ‘I’m not sure what is going on! I’m confused!’
Mary is travelling to Hill Country of Judea.
Elizabeth says in FB ‘Mary just arrived at our house’
Joseph meanwhile updates His status again ‘Just had a vivid dream. Mary is indeed with Child’
The facebook Christmas story goes on like this to the very end where shepherds come to visit baby Jesus.
Watch the video clip! Its so touching with the great background music.