There was an atheist who went through life like most people. He had his good times and his bad. He died at an old age of 88. He woke up and saw a man standing in front of him. He said, “Who are you?” The man said, “Well, Joe, it doesn’t matter now, you didn’t know me while you were on the earth and it’s too late for you to know me now.” Joe said, “Just tell me your name, maybe I did know you and I just don’t remember.”
The man said, “Well, Joe, my name is Jesus and I’m the one who died for you.”
Joe said, “What? You aren’t real — there is no God. How can this be?”
Jesus said, “Joe, do you remember the day you met your wife?” Joe said, “Well of course I do. It was the day she ran into the back of my car on the freeway and I got out to yell at her. Of course I didn’t, instead I fell in love with her.” Jesus said, “Joe, I made sure your wife ran into your car that day.” Joe couldn’t say a word.
Jesus said, “Joe, do you remember the time you were at work and on top of that tall building? You fell that day and if you had fallen to the ground you would have died.” Joe said, “Yeah, but I didn’t fall.” Jesus said, “No you didn’t because I sent one of my angels to catch you.” Joe couldn’t say a word.
Jesus said, “Joe, do you remember the day your baby girl was born?“ Joe said, “Well of course I do, that was one of the best days of my life!” Jesus said, “I held that baby girl close to me before I sent her to you hoping you would see that beautiful creation and believe in me. I sent Christians to witness to you but you would not listen. I did everything I could possibly do to make you believe in me but you would not.”
Joe said, “Jesus, please let me go back just one time so I can tell everyone the truth!”
Jesus said, “Joe, I am sorry but it is too late. Depart from me, I never knew you.”
So Jesus did not forgive?
I do not believe this story. Jesus forgives.
god forgives all dossent the bible say sou?.
If god is loving and forgiving then why does he punish more than 80% of the population of earth to damnation in hell,i became an aatheist when i wuz reading the bible and ive seen som big flaws in gods logick ,in my understanding God is a 6 year old girll who gets pissed of when her brain dead logick is dissobayed,
P.S sori for my bad english skills
god is not real. the sooner you realize that, the better your life will be. and please, dont tell me what happens in the afterlife because there is no afterlife
Hi. Ive read this a couple times and although it appeals to ones emotions I’ve noticed something that simply doesn’t make sense. How does seeing beauty lead to a god? And even if it did how could it lead him to Jesus? Why not alla or some other deity(s)? Are you aware that according to the bible all these wonderfully caring people who were maybe born into the “wrong” religion or simply used logic are going to hell. And, adolf hitler, a catholic is going to heaven because he believed. Does this seem loving or fair to you?!
the basic problem with man is that we try to put two and two together and crack our brains if it doesnt give us four. we try to undestand God and the bible logically when we cant even answer lifes simplest questions. but i dont want to bore you but just tell u one simpler truth. The day i was truthfully and honestly ask God to reveal himself to me if he was real or not, the day, when i left my doubts and unbelief, that day a light shined in through my life. (whether you believe God exists or not he does, and is watching you as u read this post.)
Jesus told you this story?
be realistic!!
you are blind people
most retarded thing i’ve ever heard.
poor people.. not enough mental stability to accept that after death, there is nothing but this: death. believe what you want, but in the end, we’ll all end up the same.
God does forgive, but unfortunately for some, it is too late. God gives us our WHOLE lifetime to find him. And to the person talking about Hitler…only GOD knows where he is right now. And to the person talking about Islam, all other religions are just a distraction.
Madhukar, you are correct, God does forgive. God is love, He is also Holy and Just. His forgiveness is a gift that was bought and paid for in full by Jesus Christ. He offers this gift to everyone, from my own experience, He offers it over and over, but at no time did He force me to accept His gift. A gift of love is not forced on anyone. When I accepted His gift, I also accepted Jesus to be Lord and Savior of my life. That my life was now His.
There are many, many people who do not want His gift, or a relationship with Him because they want to keep doing things their own way, not His.
Therefore, it would be very wrong for Jesus, to forcefully take someone at the moment of their death to Heaven, knowing they wanted nothing to do with Him.
As for Joe in the story, he didn’t want Jesus, he only wanted what Jesus had to offer and it wasn’t love or forgiveness.
Can you imagine what Heaven would be like to have people there who do not love God or want to worship Him. Well, we do not have to imagine, we are living it today, on this earth.
But if you are reading this, you still have time, to make a decision. One day, He will stop offering it.
John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
Isaiah 55:6 “Seek the Lord while he may be found; call upon him while he is near;