“What do you remember most about your mom?” I asked.
“The way she did the dishes,” she replied. “”She used a wash rag, not a sponge. She took her time doing them like she was giving us a bath.”
I was in a card store trying to find a card for my wife. I don’t like to just stand there looking. I like to talk to the people who are trying desperately to find just the right words.
I thought it was a great time to ask what they remembered. It also helped them to find the right card.
“What about you? What one thing do you think of when you think of her?” I asked the woman to my right.
“The way she folded her clothes. It was never one, two, three. If she was folding an under shirt it was the same as folding a work shirt. Every crease in every fold meant something to her,” she replied.
Another woman nearby joined in.
“My mom ironed the bed linens. The details she insisted on were such that you would think she was giving tours through the house,” she said laughing.
Within minutes each of them had selected the “perfect” card.
“Thanks. That helped me find the right one.”
“Me, too!”
“I hate buying cards…this was easy, thanks!”
So, what was it that made it so easy?
The little things.
When it comes to love, we don’t think about the big accomplishments, we tend to focus on the details. The way they walk, talk, smile, cook, laugh or sing is suddenly more important than anything else.
Think for a moment about someone you love. What comes to mind?
See, we create an image of that love by painting a picture of them. All the little things remembered are like single strokes of a brush.
For me? Cup cakes. My mom made the best cup cakes. Nothing fancy, just chocolate with butter icing. The cake was moist and the icing thick. Always the first ones to go at the school bake sales.
If you are a mom by giving birth, adopting or by marriage. If you have no human children but furry babies. If you are blessed to still have your mom or if she is now blessing heaven with her presence…
I wish for you this weekend, days filled with little things to remember and big love to give. I have to bake some cup cakes!!!
– – – written by Bob Perks