Slideshow : Prayer Like Hannahs Prayer


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Hannah’s prayer was direct. She prayed to God to give her a son. She left God in no doubt of what she wanted. Her request was unconditional. Any son would do! She did not pray for a beautiful son, or an intelligent son, or one that was perfectly formed.

Most of our prayers are not unconditional. On many occasions I have heard church members pray like this for a pastor, “Dear LORD send us a man of your choice.” The rider to that prayer is left unuttered: “But let us have the final say.” Church members do have the final say! They invariably choose the man that they like. If Christians were honest they would actually pray for a pastor along these lines: “Dear LORD please, please, please, send us a man that we like.”

I am afraid that we pray along the same lines for a wife or a husband. When a man prays to God for a wife he does not do so unconditionally. He wants a beautiful wife between the age of 25 and 35, with a shapely figure, with whom he falls hopelessly in love. Unless we can ask God for a wife unconditionally it is better to use a dating agency.

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