Prayer For a Successful Pregnancy
Powerful is your intercession with God, Mary, for you are his mother. Tender , too, is your love for us, for you are our mother. Confidently , then, I come to you as a child, poor and needy, to seek your aid and protection. In every trial of motherhood, I beg your aid. For the grace of a happy delivery, I come to you. For your holy assistance in guarding and directing each tiny soul with which God entrusts me, I call to you. In every sorrow that comes to me in my motherhood, I confide in you.
That I may have strength to bear cheerfully all the pains and hardships of motherhood, I lean on you. That the sweetness of motherhood may not through my neglect be embittered in later years by pains of regret, I trust in you. That the will of God may always be fulfilled in me through each act of my motherhood, little and great, I beg your aid. Never forsake me dear Mother, my hope, my consolation, my confidence, and my trust, but ever be at my side to aid and protect me, your needy child. Amen. Mother of Love, of Sorrow, and of Mercy, Pray for us!
Prayer of Pregnant Women : Prayer 1
Heavenly Father, Creator of all things, you have been pleased to enable my husband and me to collaborate with you in conceiving a child. Thank you for your gracious gift. Help me to guard this new life carefully and do nothing to hurt it in any way. After my child’s birth, let me lavish him/her with love and bring him/her up in your love and service, so that he/she will become a child of yours and inherit your kingdom. Be with me, O Lord, in this greatest of tasks to comfort, strengthen, calm and enlighten me. Amen.
Prayer of Pregnant Women : Prayer 2
Father, in Jesus Christ name I worship you. I bless you and give you praise. Father, I come to you in Jesus’ name and through the blood of Jesus Christ to ask you to protect and bless the baby in my womb. Thank you Father, that every good and perfect gift comes from you. I am happy that I am pregnant. You have blessed me with a baby. Lord you said all that you create or created is good (Genesis 1: 25).
I thank you, Father, that the baby already formed in my womb is your workmanship created in true perfection according to your power. Father, all your works are beautiful and magnificent to behold. They are wonderfully finished. All your works are perfect, for every good and perfect gift comes from you (James 1:17). I thank you for a perfect baby in Jesus’ name.
I condemn every tongue that has risen against me and my baby, in accordance with your word. My baby will grow well. I shall put to bed a very healthy child. I cover the baby in my womb with the precious blood of Jesus. Amen.
A pregnant woman’s prayer
Heavenly Father, You understand me more deeply than I can ever imagine. You know my every thought and feeling. You see every step I take. You know where I am at every moment. You know what I’m going to say before I say it. I praise You for knowing everything about me.
You go before me into every situation and You follow close behind to protect me. How wonderful it is – I can’t go anywhere without Your covering! If the way is clear, You are there. If the road is dark and treacherous, You are there also. Even if I try to hide from You, I cannot. You continue to shine Your light into my life even when decisions don’t come easily or when darkness threatens me. Darkness and light don’t matter to You! I praise You for protecting me.
You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit them together. You were there when I was formed. And right now, You are knitting together my child in complete secrecy. You see my child. You have planned and recorded every day both for me and for my child in Your book of life. I praise You for seeing me when no one else does.
I can’t begin to count the number of times each day that Your thoughts turn to me! Each morning when I wake up, You think of me. How precious it is to know that You think of me all the time. I praise You for caring more deeply than anyone else can. Amen.
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