I know the way into your presence, Father.
It is through Jesus alone.
He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
There is no way for me to reach the Father, but through Him.
In Jesus, I have a perfect revelation of You, Father.
Through Him, I both see and know your heart, God.
If I ever wonder what You think of me, I can look to Jesus and all of my wondering will be laid to rest. – (John 14:6)
I’ve written up a prayer request with pen and paper. Please pray that God will fully, powerfully answer everything on that prayer request. I’m waiting in expectation for God’s answer.
I am preparing Lent to Pentecost Reflections for our Parish and would like to use the photo/image you have of the gold letters I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. Is this copyright? The materials we use are not for profit, only for use in our parishes for small group prayer meetings.
Please can you let me know.
With every good wish,
Helen Whitty (from Basingstoke, England.
Hi Helen,
You can use the image for the purpose, but just include a line saying the image-source as https://www.turnbacktogod.com . Thats all you need to do, to use the image.
God Bless You