Get Ready For A Turn Around

Get Ready For A Turn Around

We can never put God in a box! What I mean is we cannot limit God’s possibilities and methodologies. Yes, He won’t contradict His Word. Nor does He work outside of His Word. But He does act beyond human expectation and planning!

Consider these: Peter was trying hard to fish for a living. But Jesus transformed him into a mega fisherman of souls (Luke 5:1-11; Acts 2:14-41). Saul went persecuting Christians but came back as an ardent advocate of Christ (Acts 9:1-31; Acts 15:1-4, 12).

It doesn’t matter who you are or what you have. When you allow God to get involved, He does beyond your wildest expectations! This is what prophet Isaiah exclaims, “…You did awesome things that we did not expect…” (Isaiah 64:3). When the earth was formless and empty, the Bible says the Spirit of the Lord did something awesome. He hovered over that chaos! What was He doing? He was repairing the problem. And God created beauty and vitality out of that ruin (Genesis 1, 2).

When you create space for the Spirit of God in every endeavor of your day-to-day life, He breathes His freshness and momentum into it! What was judged to be dead and gone suddenly become alive and relevant.

It may be your spirituality, family, health, business, relationships, job or ministry – God is ready to execute a radical turn around! As you permit and co-operate with the Holy Spirit, it happens. And it will probably surprise you because He works beyond your expectations!

– – – written by Joe Abraham

1 thought on “Get Ready For A Turn Around”

  1. I am writing a book called Myths VS Scripture. I am working on the part right now that talks about how some believe that there are occasions that God works outside His word which I strongly disagree with. I said all that to say I enjoyed you article. Keep up the good work.

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